Previously on Eczema War: ( cue up music with an undertone of dread)
Melissa and Dave fight valiantly to save their young daughter from the cruel grasp of the eczema that has taken over her skin. It was starting to look as if all of their struggle was for naught and that they would spend the rest of their lives slaves to the eczema and the exhausting conflict with the skin rash. A week ago Saturday they had gone into the doctor's office and been sent home with yet another prescription. This one so strong that Melissa's mother and Aunt ,both nurses, questioned the use of it on a baby so young. At the appointment Melissa and Dave asked the doctor to please refer them to a dermatologist or an allergist... The doctor agreed that Ashlynn was bad enough off that he would usually refer to a dermatologist at this point.... however because they are using Medicaid, due to Dave's part time status at work, there was not a dermatologist that would take the child. They were given instead a list of Doctors in Chicago to go to. This broke their hearts as their car is not in the condition to take the baby to Chicago and Dave does not get paid time off, again due to his part time status. (duh din duh) What are they to do : O
(cue up fast paced music with a hint of panic)
...Meanwhile Ashlynn continues to get worse. She is itching and in pain. She wakes every two or three hours in need of lotion and soothing. Mommy and Daddy are at their wits end.Last Wednesday she got so bad off that her eyes were swollen nearly shut. Melissa in desperation called the doctor he told her to use the cream on her eyes. Melissa confered with her mother and her aunt both who advised that was not such a good idea. Melissa looks on the internet: the medication in question is not supposed to be used on children at all let alone on their face. As a matter of fact it is not to be used on an adults face let alone the eyes. Melissa stands wringing her hands near to tears with frustration and worry.
Will the eczema win??? Is there a daring hero who can save this family?
(music steps up pace becomes frenzied and frantic)
... Melissa's mother calls a dermatologist that she has worked with in the area, and explained the situation. Alas, there is no way that the doctor can take the medicaid patient. Melissa's mother is more insistant telling her of the swollen eyes and the fact that the baby literally is covered head to toe in this rash, explaining about the cream that was prescribed .... there must be some help. The office help agast at the suggestion that this awful cream be used in the eyes works what magic she can. Ashlynn is fit in that day. She is able to see the doctor..... albeit at the out of pocket expence of mom and dad. Mom and dad willingly take on the expense and go to see this doctor.
(Music slows, becomes triumphant)
... A cream that is rated for pediatric use is prescribed and an oral antihistimine to stop the itching. Mom is told that it most likely has nothing to do with her diet and that we most likely won't find the reason until the baby is older, if at all. Mom is also told that we have to control the allergic reaction because the inflammation would move to her lungs if not. She is told to keep the baby from good and bad stress and to set up a schedule for her in order to keep from flaring up. Aquaphor ( which is what had been used for the last week) is the best thing and keep putting that on her. 100% cotton clothes and see the doc back in 3 weeks. We will see when we go back then.
( Music becomes happy resolution music, Smiles all around)
...SIGH! The baby slept most of that night (aside from usual feedings)... the rash was starting to look better by morning. The baby is a new person... or at least her old self come back. They call me mellow yellow.... quite right....SIGH!
Now 5 days later the baby's skin is back to baby skin. The red is gone and the pink is back. So pretty so beautiful. The doctors office has set up a payment plan for the 169.00 per visit. Melissa and Dave are grateful for the care of their daughter, and move forward with confidence that the right person is treating their daughter.
Life is Good! Stay tuned for more exciting developments in Eczema War!