Thursday, January 8, 2009

Lets get you all up to date shall we....

It has been a bit since the last time I blogged. In my defence I had one going for the new years and my wonderful little helper ( can you see my gritted teeth) deleted the entire thing. I swear to God even I don't know how she did it. So I threw my hands up in frustration and I threw myself on the floor and I played with her instead. ( you thought I was going to say had a temper tantrum... be honest.) But I went to the docs this week ( on Tues) and so I thought that I had better write down the results hmm.
So yes I went to the doc and had a normal clinic and a check in with the dietitian and oh yeah I had an ultrasound too. It was an NT scan or Neucaltranslucency scan for those of you who need a the nomenclature. It scans the spinal fluid on our little package and takes some blood out of me and tells us what the chances are that we will have trisomy 18 or 21 as well as any spinal cord defects. This is a really cool test in that it is a really long ultrasound and we get a chance to really see our little one.
This particular time our little one was a strange mix of accommodating and a real pain in the ass. You see this child sat for a good thirty minutes one cm away from where the ultrasound tech Christy needed the child to be. However our little peanut was willing to give us a great shot of the gender and Christy is 80-90% certain that we are having a little girl. Yes you read that right it appears that we are to be having another daughter. And though there is still a chance that could change Christy said that she was willing to go to Vegas on the odds that she was right. And I have to say that after so many ultrasounds with our other little girl I would say that it looks alot like she did. We are still early though so we will have to see. Until we know better though we will say that this is a girl. In six weeks we will get a REALLY long look at her and see if Christy is right.
Oh yeah and the scan ( when we finally got to it) was normal and we have like a one in twenty thousand chance of having a problem... really low. Not that I was terribly worried. We also established that I will be going in Wed of next week to have the minor surgery of a cerclage. Which is to say that they are going to sew my cervix closed to keep the baby in there. I will of course let every one know how I am as soon as we are home and I can sit at the computer.
Ash is doing wonderful. She is growing so fast. We are at that point where her lack of vocabulary frustrates her (and me) fairly regularly. There are so many things that she wants to say and ask for. She has also gotten to be quite independent, refusing to let people feed her and the like. My mother laughed the other day as she was watching our struggle at the dinner table and when I asked her what was so funny.... she answered, "Watching her go through the terrible twos at 14 months and wondering what the heck is in store for you when she is actually two." Ha Ha Ha. Very funny. And yet so true. She seems to hit all of her milestones on the early end of normal if not WAY before she is supposed to be hitting them. She is so proud of herself when she is able to do something by herself and has the sweetest grin to share with everyone in the vicinity.
She is so much fun right now! I know that I have said that at every stage but really she blows my mind right now with how much fun she is. She makes me giggle at least once a day and usually considerably more with her antics and the smiles that accompany those antics. She has found out that if she spins in a circle she can make herself dizzy, and boy she must like feeling dizzy because she does it all the time. Spinning spinning spinning. It makes ME dizzy. And last night we all watched weak with laughter as she was being chased by her shadow. She was running backwards bent over at the waist looking at the shadow until she backed into a chair and fell on her rump. The look of consternation on her face when she saw that shadow still there. These times with her are the times that I would like to freeze in time and visit repeatedly as I watch her grow and learn. Everyday it seems she learns something new. She has more words at the end of every week and uses them. The list of words seems endless... even when at times it is just not enough.
That is not to say that she can't communicate. The other day she went over to the shelf where we keep her diaper and bedtime items. She kept pointing at something, but with so many things on the shelf I was at a loss. "I don't know what you want" I told her and finally she pointed and in a very frustrated voice said.... "NOSE" Ding on goes the light as I follow her finger to the Kleenex. So I pull the box down she pulls one out and blows her nose. ( well as well as any 14 month old can) Tell me this kid ain't the smartest kid you ever met! Also the other day we were looking at a book of animals that she got from her aunt Shannon for her birthday and when I turned the page to farm animals she pointed at the cow and said.... "MOO" For certain things that she doesn't know the words for that she uses a sound. For example the hair dryer and the vacuum cleaner. She also knows some of her colors including: yellow, blue, purple, and green. The way she says yellow is enough to make you sick its so cute. Another one on the top ten cutest words list is when she asks for a "dink".
As cute as it gets around here I have a hard time imagining what we are going to do next year when we have TWO OF THEM. GOD HELP US. I had been thinking that we had to have a boy because we already had the most beautiful, cutest little girl in the world... How could we match this one.... but I think we are going to find out!!! Watch out world... cuz if the next one is half as gorgeous as this one.... we're in for a hell of a ride.