Tomorrow my first miracle is going to be three. My Ashlynn Aoibheann was born at 11:39 AM on October the 29th three years ago. It was one of the most amazing moments in my life... or I thought so at the time... only it was followed by so many amazing moment since that I can hardly count them. Ashlynn was a miracle that blessed my life on that day, and has continued to bless my life since. Every single day she brings me to my knees with thanks that she is with me. Every moment that I have with her I thank God for.
She is a kind and generous little girl, who always tries to make others feel good. She is a beautiful little flower who I am proud to call my daughter. She is willful and headstrong. She knows what she wants and she is not afraid to go get it. She is everything a mother could ever want and more than I had ever dreamed. I can't possibly do this child the justice that she deserves. I am not the perfect parent that she deserves. Instead I have to be the mommy that tries her damndest to make sure that she gets what she needs. I just hope that I can come close to that mark.
I could go on for hours telling you all about her... but I think I will just show you. I am going to plaster this page with pictures ( new and old) of the most amazing soon to be three year old girl I know. Believe it or don't I have tried to limit myself with this post... I have THOUSANDS of photos of my girls. I could literally make a post a day for YEARS of photos... but then are there ever too many photos of my beautiful girls... I don't think so! So here are a few of my Ashlynn girl. From birth until recent.
My life is good. My life is blessed. I have the most incredible little miracles running around me and who could ask for anything more!