We FINALLY got around to having A's birthday party last week. It was a simple affair, by way of birthday parties. We all went to McDonalds and we let the kids that came play like crazy on the playland... and we opened presents, and we had a MAGNIFICENT vegan birthday cake that Gran made for our little birthday girl. Not mind you that we are vegan, only that she is allergic to so many items that go into a cake, it is the ONLY way we can have a clean cake that doesn't cause problems. We have to be so vigilant with her diet. And though it was simple it was as much as our kiddos could handle.
Ash had a wonderful birthday. On the day we went to a place called Bounce-O-Rama with Dave's cousin Candise and her children. While there Ashlynn built up the confidence to go down a slide by herself. That new skill served her well at her birthday party. She slid down the slide with the best of them. My newly fearless Ashlynn bear.
So with out much more ado I will post pictures! We don't have any from the birthday party. ( I forgot the camera) and the ones that were sent to me from a friend post too small to see well. So I will instead offer more recent pictures of my sweet girls. Enjoy them!