Friday, April 25, 2008

Rubber ducky you're... the one?

The other night it got hot and sticky in the house. Being April it is just to soon to turn on the air conditioner... I won't do it! It's been less than 2 weeks since we used the heater... I want an energy bill break darn it! At any rate the stickiness had all of us cranky. Add to that the two teeth that A now has that have cut through and it makes for a whiny baby and a frustrated mommy. So at the advice of my mom we took a bath. Now bath time has been an unwanted activity in our house because of her skin problems. Since about January we have been taking sponge baths once or twice a week. The crankiness had reached monumental proportions though so it was time to pull out the big guns. I cleaned out the kitchen sink and popped our little angel in.... umm... she wasn't impressed.

A sat in the sink arms air planed out a look of terror on her face shivering and saying " uh uh uh uh maa maaa maa maaa" Trying to do my part I smiled and laughed and said this is fun over and over while handing her different toys and putting her hand in the water that I had left running in the other side of the sink. After a few minutes of trying to get her interested in toys I decided I better just cut to the cleaning and get her the heck out of there. So I washed her head and bod in record time and was going to pick her up and save her from the wicked water... when she learned that the full out arm swing she has taken a shine to splashes water.... to quote Neo "Whoa!"

So I let her splash for a minute or two before we jumped out and had a lotion fest. Dry skin being known to cause the eczema we are fighting still I had her greased up from head to toe. ( and have been checking her skin every ten minutes since the bath) We then got into our jammies and headed for bed Fred. Oh what bliss.... she was out in seconds seconds.... and she slept all night long in the deepest slumber( well not counting the nursing that is part of every night.) Truly it was a wonderful night.
I just wish that we had tried it earlier. With her skin the reasoning is valid... but oh I can just imagine some of the nights that might have been a little easier if the bath had been an option. Not to mention all the fun that she could have been having in the water. We know now though... and it is a powerful little weapon to have in the arsenal of calming baby. Yay mom yay baby yay bath time.

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