My daughter has officially started standing on her own. She is now pulling herself to standing position on whatever happens to be with in reach. This is a very scary milestone for me. Imagine my heart attack when I turn from the sink to see my curious little angel standing in the crib ( that hadn't been lowered because she hadn't done THAT yet) grinning at me like the cat that got both the canary and the cream. She was so proud of herself. For my part I hollered "OH MY GOD" and ran over to the crib to sit her down.... only to have her pull herself up again and giggle... uh oh I sense the start of a new game. I asked Dave to lower the crib mattress that night. He said that he would only to procrastinate like he always does for about a week. Then one night she did it while he was home and could see. He called her a smarty pants and ooh and ahhed appropriately for a minute or two before lowering the crib right then and there.
She loves this new found talent of hers, practicing whenever she gets the chance on whatever is within reach. This has started teaching her the art of falling... although she is still princess enough to cry when she falls in the hopes that someone will run to her rescue. Fools that we are for her we still do it every time. Ain't love grand?! The other night when she pulled herself up on a laundry basket full of clothes she got the whole room laughing. All I can say for that one is Thank God the clothes were clean. What fun!
This is the start of a very independent time for this one. She is so curious we can hardly keep up with her. It is amazing to watch as she changes and grows. Tools that we have always used have disappeared... for example Out of sight out of mind really doesn't apply any more. It takes her more than a second these days to forget, so just putting it behind you is no longer an option... especially considering that she is a little more able to get around and will go to get it if she wants... no she isn't crawling yet ( at least not in the text book sense) she does manage to get where she wants to though by way of rolling and scooting and otherwise wiggling. It can be fun to watch. She has also leaped forward in her social skills. We are all now the recipient of baby kisses when we are holding her. Kind of gross as they are always open mouthed... but she is so proud of them who could have a problem with it... the only thing is that she is always willing whether it is myself or Dave or rather unfortunately the dog. Abby may actually get more of those kisses than we do. ( Sigh) She also is a very huggy little one now. She doesn't throw her arms around you yet... but there is not denying what it is when you are the one holding her and she leans in for a hug. Pure heaven.
Every day it is something new. Today my back is aching because she wanted to be in my arms no matter what I was doing. Being in the same room wasn't enough.... I had to be holding her. I used the baby carrier for a time but that doesn't actually save your back it just frees up your hands.... it may actually make the back worse because of all the things that you try to do while also holding your child. I'm not complaining though ( well not too much ) She could not want to be near me at all. Every day an adventure I guess.