Thursday, June 26, 2008

What a difference a day makes.

A is growing in leaps and bounds right now. Every time we turn around she has learned a new skill... literally... the other day I turned around and she had gone from her tummy to sitting on her bottom. D was outside and I didn't do it so I must surmise that she did it herself. Either that or we have a remarkably skilled dog that we are just not using to her full potential. It is such an exciting time right now between the new motor skills, the new social skills, and the remarkable growth she is a new baby all over again every morning. ( which is starting earlier and earlier these days)

I was going through some of the pregnancy updates that I was sending to everyone last year awed by how life has changed. I didn't keep all of them ( the suggestion was made too late) but I kept some of them. What really hit me was that this time last year we were still waiting to get to viability and only half of the way through the pregnancy. Boggles the mind doesn't it.

Then I had a lot of dreams and a ton of fear. Today I have an 8 month old ( Sunday) little girl whose healthy birth made those dreams a reality and laid the fears of last year to rest ( although others have popped up in their place =) Last year I was doing little and wondering if I was doing to much... while longing to be active again. Now I am chasing an increasingly more mobile little girl who makes me grateful for the down moments. This time last year I was watching the scale wanting it to go up and watching my waistline enjoying the increase in its circumference. These days I am watching that scale and praying it goes down while I am actively working to whittle that circumference down. I am still trying to tell myself that Big is beautiful... but now I am talking about the bountiful baby bosom, instead of the burgeoning baby bump. Oh how life has changed.

I am not much of a fan of change. More honestly I approach it with the cautiousness of a cat on the prowl and the surliness of a bear coming out of hibernation. A has blown that away. I can no longer sit shaking my head with my arms folded and my lips pursed. I have to accept change as part of my day to day life now. Not only does my daughter change daily, but in order to keep up with her I must too. I must adjust and allow for a little flexibility in order to let my daughter grow and learn as she should.

I am not saying that this has been an easy transition for me. For instance, she loves to pull every toy that she has out of the basket I keep them in looking at them often tossing them over her shoulder, in a quest for the perfect toy to stuff into her mouth. When this first started I would dutifully pick up every toy as I moved her to another activity. I would have every block tucked into the basket and would gain great satisfaction from my clean floor. The thing is that she would be on the floor again three more times before the end of the day pulling every toy out and tossing them over her shoulder again. I would still be picking up the toys at the end of the night after she went to sleep. I feel no small amount of chagrin as I let you all know that it took me a full week to give up on the three times a day clean up. I now clean them up once... at the end of the night after she has gone to bed. Yes even I can be taught, though it took a long while for it to sink in.

Life with a child is not stationary, but it is never boring either. I never looked forward to the change before... but as she gets more mobile, begins to reason more, and becomes more independent... I am seeing the potential for a lot of fun in the adventure of change. Who would have thought that I could not only accept change... but learn to relish it. Every change in her takes us one step closer to who A will eventually become. How exhilarating, this quest into such uncharted territory. And I will go on the record right now saying " Bon adventure"

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