Doc told me that the 4 or 5 day of the virus is the worst and then they get better usually. Well that held true for us. She did indeed start getting better. She hasn't had any more apnea episodes and isn't snotty through the day... she wakes up that way, but we park her in front of the humidifier and she is better for it.
So this Saturday we went to the Fall Fest
On Sunday we went to the Apple Orchard!!! Ash is such a perfect Age for this!!!! No pictures I am sorry but I was too busy helping her to pet the farm animals and ride the ponies and go on the wagon rides etc etc etc. This child is Animal Crazy. She went right up to the draft horses for the wagon to pet them with zero fear! I am
So of course she got to ride the pony and was so very proud. And it makes this mama's heart proud to see how well she gets on with the animals. Dave and I have already decided that next weekend we will be going back to the pet store, where she loves to pet bunnies and all of the other little creatures. She loves all the fish too... the only animals that she is a little skittish of is the birds. And I don't blame her!! W
She is at such a fun age... though at times it is such a frustrating age. I am beside myself half of the time trying to figure out how to outwit her. I do a lot of hollering these days, because she is well aware that once I sit down to nurse I am incapacitated for a bit. And I can yell my head off and she just laughs. But what she isn't noticing is that as Taryn gets older it takes less and less time for her to get full ( because she is more efficient at nursing), and mama is taking the household back. I had to give my power away during the end of the pregnancy and the first few months of Taryn's life.... but I am not a mama to be messed with. So Ash is learning that mama has a few tricks up her sleeve. We have also just got a potty seat and pull-ups. She has been asking. So my parents picked one up for her this weekend. This is a process and I know it won't happen in one weekend, but we are off and running on the potty training. It will be nice to have only one in diapers! Though it
So I don't have any photos of this weekend to post but I have a few from last Thursday while we were playing outside and Ash found the bike that was bought for her brother Keagan when he was her age. I will post some of those and hopefully I will be better about getting photos of the fun we have. But I make no promises. Sometimes we are just having too much fun to stop... and that is fine by me!
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