Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Baby's first Christmas

Merry Christmas! We finally got there. We finally had a Christmas with a child. It was a long road, but we got there. Christmas presents are tough to buy for a less than 2 month old child. Not to mention the fact that I wrapped all of her presents only to unwrap them myself a few days later. Ashlynn meanwhile showed how excited that she was by sleeping through the entire ordeal. Not mind you that I expected any more than that. She has managed to sleep through the opening of every gift she has received to date. Which is I suppose as it should be.
Dave made a wonderful prime rib that we ate over at my parents house. My brothers were there and my niece Ariah was there also. She had eaten so many treats that she didn't do the meat much justice..... She is 2 though and you cannot look for any more from her really. Ashlynn grumped for a little bit in the afternoon..... That is when she tends to get out of sorts.... but was an angel the rest of the night. We topped it all off with a caramel apple pie.... So a few hours after I ate it Ashlynn got her first taste of Prime Rib.
I am turning into a meat and potatoes kind of girl.... I have had to. Ashlynn cannot tolerate anything that is really spicy. Onions and tomatoes also give her problems. Between the fussy tummy and the sensitive skin issues it has me down to pretty bland foods. She has eczema on her face and neck and it doesn't seem to want to get better quickly. We have all changed to completely scent free soaps and lotions. We have also stopped using any laundry detergent or fabric softener with any smell to it even for our own clothes. so we are left now with the fact that most likely it is something that she is eating through me that she has an allergy to. The problem is finding out what. That means that my diet has to be taken down to practically nothing and built up slowly. Or one by one I have to remove items until her skin clears up. At least there are some ideas as to popular trouble makers. No big deal really. I need to clean up my diet anyway. Not being pregnant has gone to my head and I have been a bad bad girl. The problem is that I am causing issues with my own diabetes. I have had a hard time getting that discipline back. I told myself for so long it was only until the baby was born and now I have to get my butt back in gear because my body did not go back to my pre-pregnancy ability to handle food. One day at a time.
Dave has been mostly healthy since we got his gallbladder taken care of. He is having issues with his own blood sugars and in fact it seems that he may have more trouble than I do with it. We are taking care of that though. He is loving having a little girl. He is such a good daddy. Ashlynn adores him and lights up when he gets home from work. She always has a smile for her daddy. We are so happy right now. We are learning how to be a family. It seems to come natural. Life is good. Ashlynn goes for her 2 month check up next week. I am not looking forward to that. I would spare her the immunizations if I didn't think that they will protect her. Dave has graciously stepped up to the plate and will be going with us to that appointment. I am afraid that I will need more comfort than she will. Say a prayer for us.
love to all

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