Thursday, December 27, 2007

New toys and new discoveries

One by one we are toting out all of the Christmas gifts that Ashlynn got. We have gotten a grand total of two up and running. But boy what a power house those two are. My mother got her the Rainforest peek-a-boo leaf mobile by Fisher Price for the crib. She swears by the Fisher Price Mobiles as she says that with her own children it was the only way to get any thing done. 10 minutes of peace as she calls it. She was really excited when she got it and realized that it runs even longer now. She got it so that Dave and I could get something done.... The only problem was that Ashlynn was so remarkably taken with it that Dave and I sat there the whole time watching her. She was COMPLETELY enthralled. The way that she was talking and cooing to it had Dave and I in the same state. What ever my mother paid for that toy it was WELL worth it!!!! That is the first time that I have seen my little one so taken with anything.... of course at 2 months she is only just starting to be taken by much of anything but food. Still we have offered a lot of other things for her to play with and look and talk to and none of them have had the effect that this one little mobile had.
With that in mind we were really excited to open the 123 Rain forest gym mat. That was not the big winner that the mobile was but it certainly did capture her attention. The cat that is supposed to be hit by her waving hand gets hit by her feet instead and she gets that little thing singing to her. The more it plays music the more she hits it. It is great. Only drawback was that there is no On/Off switch but not a real big deal because although she often sleeps on her back with her legs pulled up to her chest they don't reach that far yet so most likely she won't hit it accidentally.
Dave and I got her the laugh and learn farm pals kick mat for the crib. Thank GOD there is an off switch on that. She kicks and it plays so she gets more excited and kicks again. It can go on like that for an hour if we let it. I wanted to get the piano keyboard one, but the toys r us that we went to didn't have it. Dave talked me into this one because he was sure that it would be just as much fun. He was right Ashlynn loves it and that is what counts to be sure. We just have to get better about making sure that we turn it off before she falls asleep. It has caused a few wake ups that have been unfortunate... but she is a really good tempered baby and even if she doesn't go right back to sleep at least she is nice about it. : )
Life with Ashlynn is settling in slowly but surely. We are all still trying to get our bearings back and we are finding our happy middle. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I am so taken with her and with the life that we are starting. Now if we can just get the eczema thing under control. I made mention to Dave that I had read on a web site that nursing mothers eating salmon can often help. Dave came home from the grocer the next day with 4 meals of salmon. It is great because we both love salmon, but that tells you how thrilled he is to have his little girl. I certainly have been upstaged by his little Urp Angel as he calls her. I am not complaining in any way. He deserves it. She can hardly take her eyes off of him when he is in the room. She can see 1/2 way across a room now as evidenced by the fact that the other day she heard his voice and turned to him. He smiled at her and she smiled right back. There could be no mistaking the fact that she could see him. It is amazing having a child and knowing the love that you can share with your child. It truly is what you've never realized your life was missing. We have completed our life and I think that both Dave and I are thrilled despite the trouble that we are having getting life back to an even keel.
Speaking of even keel. It is amazing that I have found two days in a row to be able to type anything. I am not sure where the time came from. It is difficult on some days to find time to shower. I shouldn't complain I know. I have had my dream fulfilled. So I feel guilty when I do complain. It is just that I am supposed to be getting so much more done in a day than I am. some days the only tasks that I get accomplished are feed and diaper baby.... repeat. As a matter of fact if I knew how to I would put a repeat sign over the top of that little phrase because that is how it goes. Now I know that this is how things are supposed to go.... but I am a homemaker and I have yet to figure out how to make a home. Dave is really great right now about picking up the slack but DANG he is working to make sure that I don't have to so that can't go on forever. I know that it is a simple matter of organization but you need time to get organized. Even when I do get time I end up feeling like a lump that has had all of the energy sucked right out of me. And even as I write this she is waking up. She slept just long enough for me to write and post this..... Perhaps that is what I will do. Write daily as long as she sleeps. That could make for some really short log entries.... Well gotta run. She is singing her song to me

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