A took her first steps this weekend. Four little steps so little, so big. Dave and I spent almost the entire weekend walking from place to place in the living room one of us holding her and the other holding out their hands. A little obsessed are we... Perhaps but we do happen to have the cutest kid on earth and she was eating up the attention. She would stumble walk from one of us to the other and then she would laugh and squeal with excitement right along with us. She had a ton of fun, and while she is not quite willing to let go of everything and go toddling off by herself she is much closer than she was a week ago.
I think that she has grown a foot in the last week, and that coupled with her new found bravery had us re-baby proofing the house all weekend. Shelves that were once out of reach are now extremely tempting. She will stand next to a table or a shelf that is just over her head and up goes the little hand... patting around on said table or shelf looking for some kind of devilment to get into. Cords and handles are dangerous right about now as they are used to drag the attached item down or if too heavy pull other attached item to her feet and then steady her as she tries to climb the piece of furniture that said item is resting on. If she can wrap her fingers around the edge of a piece of furniture at eye level she will do so and then scrabble with her feet trying to climb up and see what might be on it.
Yes our infant is now a toddler and she is hard to keep up with as she makes her way through the house destroying order and leaving chaos in her wake. Items placed in a basket are to be torn out and tossed over the shoulder... items on a shelf are to be ripped out and thrown at her feet ..... buttons are to be pushed on stereo, computer, TV, VCR, DVD player you name it if it has a button it must be pushed. Any paper that has been left foolishly ANYWHERE must be crinkled and tasted before it is thrown onto the floor and pushed at with the foot. Yes our house is a tiny little storm.... and I hear the wind picking up again... it looks as if the eye has passed over and the fun begins again.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
It is a whole new world in our house right now. We are living in what seems like a constant state of chaos. It should be a relatively easy thing to fix. Pick up a few items here put a few things away there and voila: house clean mission accomplished. I have always been fairly good at keeping things tidy... ( with the exception of my bedroom and that is nobody's business but my own and Jenny's when I was little ( LOVE YOU GIRL) : ) I have a creative flair for organization that makes my house usually functional and attractive. During my 2 years of pregnancy things got a little out of hand but I was looking forward to my non-pregnant self and the ability to move again to get my house back to what I feel is nice tidy and livable. I was a little slow at the line but I figured I would make up for it as I paced myself.
I never in my million years of wanting a baby actually was prepared for HAVING ONE. In some very measurable ways my life is so much easier now than it was when she was tiny. I have become accustomed to nursing in the middle of the night and we co-sleep: No problems. I have weathered the spit up and poop and drool and pee on every available linen and dress and... well any ways it is smooth sailing now. I have survived the what do I do with my baby who can't sit up and I have no place to put her stage: on to bigger and better things. Yes these are all things of the past. I somehow thought that it would get easier as time went on... and truthfully it has and it will continue. We have however come to a stage that is I am certain the cause of premature baldness in women... and it ain't gonna get any better.Uh ... Houston... WE have a CRUISER on our hands.
My house perpetually looks as if a tornado landed inside of it. A's path of destruction is unmistakable and her victims litter the floor in her wake. She moves from one shelf to another ripping items off of the shelves and tossing them over her shoulder. In a house that is so small and no closets there are a lot of shelves... and they have all been emptied. We have moved all of the items that could harm her to higher shelves so the items that she comes across on those shelves are things like linens and paperback books. Putting the items away before she goes to bed is futile.... as she will just take them out again and toss them over her shoulder.... sometimes as you are putting the items away. She doesn't take kindly to her hard work being destroyed. Still I try very hard to keep my house from being unlivable though while she is awake it is kind of like using a bucket to toss water out of a boat that has a cannon ball hole in it.
The other day as I was trying to get the dishes done I allowed her to take all of the linens out of the shelf in the kitchen. I really thought that she couldn't hurt much. She was happy as a clam until I looked over and noticed that at least three of the linens that were tossed over her shoulder had landed in the litter box for the cat. I keep it well scooped due to the baby but... um.... EWW. So I picked up the linens that were not soiled and put them back cleaned out the cat box and tried to move her to a different area to wreak her havoc on GASP her toys. Have you ever tried to keep a child from doing something once they realize that they shouldn't. No once she finds out I don't want her doing something it is like honey to a bee. And as I was not going to back down and allow her to put too many more items on my already large laundry list we had issues.
Yes my house has suffered indignities that no house should have to. In the name of keeping a kid happy. I only hope that she grows out of this stage soon... because at the rate she is growing I am not going to have higher shelf space left much longer.
P.S. I apologize profusely for the lack of photos... It isn't for lack of taking them. I do have one of the cutest kids on the earth, but I digress. No the lack of photos is due to the fact that my dear husband has lost the connection for the camera to the computer.... I am taking the photos but I cannot get them to you. How frustrating. Though I am sure it will be remedied soon.
I never in my million years of wanting a baby actually was prepared for HAVING ONE. In some very measurable ways my life is so much easier now than it was when she was tiny. I have become accustomed to nursing in the middle of the night and we co-sleep: No problems. I have weathered the spit up and poop and drool and pee on every available linen and dress and... well any ways it is smooth sailing now. I have survived the what do I do with my baby who can't sit up and I have no place to put her stage: on to bigger and better things. Yes these are all things of the past. I somehow thought that it would get easier as time went on... and truthfully it has and it will continue. We have however come to a stage that is I am certain the cause of premature baldness in women... and it ain't gonna get any better.Uh ... Houston... WE have a CRUISER on our hands.
My house perpetually looks as if a tornado landed inside of it. A's path of destruction is unmistakable and her victims litter the floor in her wake. She moves from one shelf to another ripping items off of the shelves and tossing them over her shoulder. In a house that is so small and no closets there are a lot of shelves... and they have all been emptied. We have moved all of the items that could harm her to higher shelves so the items that she comes across on those shelves are things like linens and paperback books. Putting the items away before she goes to bed is futile.... as she will just take them out again and toss them over her shoulder.... sometimes as you are putting the items away. She doesn't take kindly to her hard work being destroyed. Still I try very hard to keep my house from being unlivable though while she is awake it is kind of like using a bucket to toss water out of a boat that has a cannon ball hole in it.
The other day as I was trying to get the dishes done I allowed her to take all of the linens out of the shelf in the kitchen. I really thought that she couldn't hurt much. She was happy as a clam until I looked over and noticed that at least three of the linens that were tossed over her shoulder had landed in the litter box for the cat. I keep it well scooped due to the baby but... um.... EWW. So I picked up the linens that were not soiled and put them back cleaned out the cat box and tried to move her to a different area to wreak her havoc on GASP her toys. Have you ever tried to keep a child from doing something once they realize that they shouldn't. No once she finds out I don't want her doing something it is like honey to a bee. And as I was not going to back down and allow her to put too many more items on my already large laundry list we had issues.
Yes my house has suffered indignities that no house should have to. In the name of keeping a kid happy. I only hope that she grows out of this stage soon... because at the rate she is growing I am not going to have higher shelf space left much longer.
P.S. I apologize profusely for the lack of photos... It isn't for lack of taking them. I do have one of the cutest kids on the earth, but I digress. No the lack of photos is due to the fact that my dear husband has lost the connection for the camera to the computer.... I am taking the photos but I cannot get them to you. How frustrating. Though I am sure it will be remedied soon.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
I don't need no stinkin handles
Ooooh she is getting brave. I suppose I should bring you all up to speed on her talents for the poll and the sake of fairness. My little one is getting geared up for walking and it really seems like it could be any day... but then we said that about my niece R for what seemed like 6 months before she finally took off by herself. So I guess we will see. R was 15 months when she started walking. I took my first steps on my birthday.... I have no idea when Dave started walking... but his mom says he was a very careful little guy and was content sitting so he may have taken longer. I will have to ask her.
A has taken to standing in the middle of the room to look at something that she is holding in both of her hands. " Look Ma no hands!" She has gotten really good at adjusting her balance when it starts to get off of kilter too. Her newest skill is that she can walk nearly across the kitchen while holding on to only one of mommy or daddy's hands. And every now and then she turns around and starts across the floor like she forgot that she can't walk yet only to remember and plop onto her bum. She also now uses her walker in reverse style... by that I mean she stands next to it and pushes it in front of her using it to give her stability as she gets across the floor.
She has tumbled a few times like every other kid out there... but she hasn't had a fall bad enough that it has made her scared of falling. She just cries for a minute or two and then moves on to the next challenge. She is always trying something bigger and better. As a matter of fact she just tried a long distance cruise while I was writing this between the bookshelf and mommy. Alas it was a bit further than she could handle and fell backwards. She has survived the fall and is already trying bigger and better distances.
So the long and the short of it is that any day now I could be telling you that she has taken her first steps..... or I could be telling you for the next six months that she will walk any day now. I guess the rest is up to A.
A has taken to standing in the middle of the room to look at something that she is holding in both of her hands. " Look Ma no hands!" She has gotten really good at adjusting her balance when it starts to get off of kilter too. Her newest skill is that she can walk nearly across the kitchen while holding on to only one of mommy or daddy's hands. And every now and then she turns around and starts across the floor like she forgot that she can't walk yet only to remember and plop onto her bum. She also now uses her walker in reverse style... by that I mean she stands next to it and pushes it in front of her using it to give her stability as she gets across the floor.
She has tumbled a few times like every other kid out there... but she hasn't had a fall bad enough that it has made her scared of falling. She just cries for a minute or two and then moves on to the next challenge. She is always trying something bigger and better. As a matter of fact she just tried a long distance cruise while I was writing this between the bookshelf and mommy. Alas it was a bit further than she could handle and fell backwards. She has survived the fall and is already trying bigger and better distances.
So the long and the short of it is that any day now I could be telling you that she has taken her first steps..... or I could be telling you for the next six months that she will walk any day now. I guess the rest is up to A.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Nobody knows a good nights sleep
We got our new bed today. We ordered a king size bed from an internet store and although it took three and a half very long weeks it finally came today. This was a purchase that has been needed for a very long time. Sometime in July Dave finally gave up the ghost and started sleeping on the couch. You see we were sleeping on a second hand full sized bed that was old 10 years ago. It had divots and dents that a body could literally get lost in. On top of that we co-sleep with A and so we had three ( even if one is very small) people crammed into that bed. There were nights that it was pure torture. It was only somewhat better when Dave moved out to the living room.
The thing is that Dave and I have missed sleeping in the same bed. I know I know I can hear you all saying " then get the kid out of the bed!" But Dave and I both are very happy with the attachment that co-sleeping has helped us to forge with our child. Not to mention when you live in a one bedroom house that is smaller than five hundred square feet total space is at a bit of a premium and we like that we only need one bed for all of us. ( And unless you have snuggled with a baby and felt that amazing bond you CANNOT know what you are missing.) When we went out of town and stayed in a hotel we had a king sized bed and at some points our child was sleeping between us with her head on Dave and her feet pushed onto me and.... neither Dave nor I were clinging to the edge of the bed for fear of falling. It was amazing. We had to have one.
And so A is sleeping in the middle of a king sized bed and I can hardly wait to get into the bed. I am not sure that i will know what to do if I wake up in the morning and I don't walk hunched over and with a limp for the first hour of the day. My fear is that none of us will be willing to get up in the morning. A took a nap in it this afternoon and christened it for us. After two and a half hours I heard her in there but she wasn't insisting that I come in with that strident voice that said " I want UP NOW!" Curious I went to look. There she was in the same place she had slept happy as a clam. I went and asked her if she wanted up and she looked at me like I was crazy. So I laid down next to her and we had a girl talk chat for fifteen minutes or so before my insanely active little girl wanted to even sit up... then she didn't want to get out of the bed. This is definitely boding well for a good nights sleep tonight.
So in about and hour I am going to crawl into my new bed with my husband and curl around my daughter as my husband curls around me to drift off into dream land, and right now I could not come up with a better definition of heaven.
The thing is that Dave and I have missed sleeping in the same bed. I know I know I can hear you all saying " then get the kid out of the bed!" But Dave and I both are very happy with the attachment that co-sleeping has helped us to forge with our child. Not to mention when you live in a one bedroom house that is smaller than five hundred square feet total space is at a bit of a premium and we like that we only need one bed for all of us. ( And unless you have snuggled with a baby and felt that amazing bond you CANNOT know what you are missing.) When we went out of town and stayed in a hotel we had a king sized bed and at some points our child was sleeping between us with her head on Dave and her feet pushed onto me and.... neither Dave nor I were clinging to the edge of the bed for fear of falling. It was amazing. We had to have one.
And so A is sleeping in the middle of a king sized bed and I can hardly wait to get into the bed. I am not sure that i will know what to do if I wake up in the morning and I don't walk hunched over and with a limp for the first hour of the day. My fear is that none of us will be willing to get up in the morning. A took a nap in it this afternoon and christened it for us. After two and a half hours I heard her in there but she wasn't insisting that I come in with that strident voice that said " I want UP NOW!" Curious I went to look. There she was in the same place she had slept happy as a clam. I went and asked her if she wanted up and she looked at me like I was crazy. So I laid down next to her and we had a girl talk chat for fifteen minutes or so before my insanely active little girl wanted to even sit up... then she didn't want to get out of the bed. This is definitely boding well for a good nights sleep tonight.
So in about and hour I am going to crawl into my new bed with my husband and curl around my daughter as my husband curls around me to drift off into dream land, and right now I could not come up with a better definition of heaven.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Love the one your with
Today is our son Aidan's birthday and his angel day. He would have turned two today at 1:25 AM instead at 2:10 AM he has been an angel for two years. Such a bittersweet day for us, as we watch A cruise around and look for hugs. With out Aidan's loss we could never have has A. We are aware of that fact and have made peace with it. We are so thankful for the time that Aidan was with us. His short life has had a lasting effect. We are so very grateful for the sacrifice that he made so his sister could be with us. There is no doubt that were we to have our druthers we would have Aidan playing alongside both of his sisters. It was our place however to give angels wings and we have two little angels in heaven who keep a special eye out for us because of it.
While there is a feeling of regret and sorrow that tinges this day ( and January 17 and 19) for us. when we reach past that pain there is also a sense of peace and a certainty that this is how it had to be. Aidan was held for his entire 45 minutes of life by a family member who loved him dearly. For that I am proud. He was loved and loved so dearly. He was held and cradled and he knew it. For that I am grateful. My son knew love for every single second that he was here on this earth. With that I am consoled.
Today is not an easy day. I am sure that it never will be. Two years later and the pain still feels very fresh at some points on this day. I have three children. So I hug the one that I have. I love the one that I am with. I watch as she tears my house apart systematically and I know joy mixed with my pain. I laugh instead of cry when I look at her. Tonight we will celebrate her brothers birthday...... and every year from here on out. She will know her sister and her brother, through photos and memories.... and maybe in her dreams.
While there is a feeling of regret and sorrow that tinges this day ( and January 17 and 19) for us. when we reach past that pain there is also a sense of peace and a certainty that this is how it had to be. Aidan was held for his entire 45 minutes of life by a family member who loved him dearly. For that I am proud. He was loved and loved so dearly. He was held and cradled and he knew it. For that I am grateful. My son knew love for every single second that he was here on this earth. With that I am consoled.
Today is not an easy day. I am sure that it never will be. Two years later and the pain still feels very fresh at some points on this day. I have three children. So I hug the one that I have. I love the one that I am with. I watch as she tears my house apart systematically and I know joy mixed with my pain. I laugh instead of cry when I look at her. Tonight we will celebrate her brothers birthday...... and every year from here on out. She will know her sister and her brother, through photos and memories.... and maybe in her dreams.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
bringing you all up to speed
Once again it has been a bit since I last posted anything... I am sorry. Especially if many of you have been checking regularly to see if I have posted anything. I know what that is the expectation and excitement only to fall flat when there is nothing to read. I know I know I'm sorry. A went on some kind of a sleeping strike though. We were STRUGGLING there for nearly two weeks as she refused to go to sleep before 11 PM and only was taking one nap a day. Not to mention when she has been sleeping it has been fitful. I was thinking that maybe she is cutting more teeth, but there haven't been any new ones that have made themselves known... I don't know what has been going on, but it has been exhausting.
She is steady working towards walking. She can stand for as many as 4 or 5 minutes playing with a toy with out any aid in balance. She crawls like a lightning bolt from one place to another. I spend my nights now following her from one thing to another making sure that she stays out of trouble. She has figured out how to crawl up the stairs too... so we have to watch her carefully. I have let her get as far as the fourth stair with me close behind. She has a ball with it. You would think with all of her activity that she would wear herself out... and she does. Her not sleeping is not for lack of being tired... it is more from lack of ability to calm herself. We are working on that.
For all of her new found independence she is still a little uncertain about taking to many steps away from me and the separation anxiety is getting a little worse... now it is even with people she knows and trusts a lot ( like daddy and gramps and granny) Not to mention she has stepped up her nursing considerably. We now nurse nearly every 3 hours again. She asks for it all the time. My take on it is that as she takes those steps away from me she is doing what she can to hold me close too. I don't mind it a bit. We nurse 3 or 4 times a night again too. That is fine by me also we co-sleep so it really doesn't interrupt my sleep too much, and it gives her a measure of comfort.
She has grown nearly and inch in the last two weeks alone. People who see her every day have been surprised by the growth spurt that she just went through. That means though that none of her clothes fit her anymore so we had to go shopping this last weekend. It is a pain in the ass to get clothes for a kid too. Two outfits from the same company that are the same size ( 12 months) one fits beautifully... the other she literally crawled out of the pants. Go figure. But we have some hand-me-downs that are preshrunk and fit her well so we are grateful for that. Every outfit that we have for her has been put through its paces believe me. Between the stains on the front and the dirt ground into the knees they all look well loved in a matter of what seems like minutes. I swear that they should make all pants for toddlers in navy and black, any thing else has black knees in seconds. No matter how clean a floor is A can find the dirt and will make sure to get it all over herself. Her little fingers always seem like they are sticky now.
We found out that she is allergic to milk. I came home from the store super excited because I found Mac n cheese. Dave thought it was so cool he started feeding her right then. And as we watched our cherub became a mutant baby. Her eyes swelled nearly shut, and her nose started running like she had a cold. It would have been funny had it not been so scary. Thankfully there were no breathing difficulties. I called the Doc and he said that it could be the milk, wheat in the noodles, or coloring in the food. So this last weekend she got into my avocado dip and had to try it. ( My favorite treat cream cheese milk avocado and garlic salt all scooped up onto a thick chip... ummm heaven) She loved it... and I knew she would she is my daughter after all... only thing is that her little eyes started to swell and her nose started to run again. Not nearly so bad this time because we got it away from her and only let her have a very little bit. So we are starting to make some changes around here now so that we are firmly a soy house before she gets to the age where she notices. I suppose we shouldn't be too surprised D was allergic to milk too. Thank God that I have been nursing her, we would have had problems otherwise I am sure.
Life is busy around here... as busy as say a 10 1/2 month old who has learned just how fast she can crawl. There is never a dull moment. D and I are having so much fun we can hardly contain it. We took her to a pet store two weekends ago and let her pet all of the different animals. We will be taking her to the apple orchard here very shortly where she will meet a goat or two if not a cow and a pig. She loves new adventures and we are all for giving them to her. What fun what fun. Any day now she will take her first step and then it is a whole new world. I'm not sure if I can keep up with her.
She is steady working towards walking. She can stand for as many as 4 or 5 minutes playing with a toy with out any aid in balance. She crawls like a lightning bolt from one place to another. I spend my nights now following her from one thing to another making sure that she stays out of trouble. She has figured out how to crawl up the stairs too... so we have to watch her carefully. I have let her get as far as the fourth stair with me close behind. She has a ball with it. You would think with all of her activity that she would wear herself out... and she does. Her not sleeping is not for lack of being tired... it is more from lack of ability to calm herself. We are working on that.
For all of her new found independence she is still a little uncertain about taking to many steps away from me and the separation anxiety is getting a little worse... now it is even with people she knows and trusts a lot ( like daddy and gramps and granny) Not to mention she has stepped up her nursing considerably. We now nurse nearly every 3 hours again. She asks for it all the time. My take on it is that as she takes those steps away from me she is doing what she can to hold me close too. I don't mind it a bit. We nurse 3 or 4 times a night again too. That is fine by me also we co-sleep so it really doesn't interrupt my sleep too much, and it gives her a measure of comfort.
She has grown nearly and inch in the last two weeks alone. People who see her every day have been surprised by the growth spurt that she just went through. That means though that none of her clothes fit her anymore so we had to go shopping this last weekend. It is a pain in the ass to get clothes for a kid too. Two outfits from the same company that are the same size ( 12 months) one fits beautifully... the other she literally crawled out of the pants. Go figure. But we have some hand-me-downs that are preshrunk and fit her well so we are grateful for that. Every outfit that we have for her has been put through its paces believe me. Between the stains on the front and the dirt ground into the knees they all look well loved in a matter of what seems like minutes. I swear that they should make all pants for toddlers in navy and black, any thing else has black knees in seconds. No matter how clean a floor is A can find the dirt and will make sure to get it all over herself. Her little fingers always seem like they are sticky now.
We found out that she is allergic to milk. I came home from the store super excited because I found Mac n cheese. Dave thought it was so cool he started feeding her right then. And as we watched our cherub became a mutant baby. Her eyes swelled nearly shut, and her nose started running like she had a cold. It would have been funny had it not been so scary. Thankfully there were no breathing difficulties. I called the Doc and he said that it could be the milk, wheat in the noodles, or coloring in the food. So this last weekend she got into my avocado dip and had to try it. ( My favorite treat cream cheese milk avocado and garlic salt all scooped up onto a thick chip... ummm heaven) She loved it... and I knew she would she is my daughter after all... only thing is that her little eyes started to swell and her nose started to run again. Not nearly so bad this time because we got it away from her and only let her have a very little bit. So we are starting to make some changes around here now so that we are firmly a soy house before she gets to the age where she notices. I suppose we shouldn't be too surprised D was allergic to milk too. Thank God that I have been nursing her, we would have had problems otherwise I am sure.
Life is busy around here... as busy as say a 10 1/2 month old who has learned just how fast she can crawl. There is never a dull moment. D and I are having so much fun we can hardly contain it. We took her to a pet store two weekends ago and let her pet all of the different animals. We will be taking her to the apple orchard here very shortly where she will meet a goat or two if not a cow and a pig. She loves new adventures and we are all for giving them to her. What fun what fun. Any day now she will take her first step and then it is a whole new world. I'm not sure if I can keep up with her.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
It has been a while since my last post. I do apologize, life has been a little busy. I know I know, how busy can it really be, I have only one little girl to take care of. One little girl with ten pairs of hands, but yes one little girl none the less. D worked a bit of overtime over the last few weeks so that he could treat me for my birthday... and OH what a treat it was. We drove to Madison for the Taste of Madison over the weekend and stayed in a hotel. We visited with his parents and had a room with a jacuzzi and just had a wonderful weekend. We both agreed that it felt as if we had renewed our vows by the end of the weekend. We feel relaxed and happy.
A of course came with us. She spent some time getting to know her grandparents and was over all a very good baby. Of course true to form... we didn't get a single picture of the weekend. Not a single one. No picture of proud gramps with beaming babe on the lap. No photo of Gran holding a smiling cherub. No family portrait, nope not a one. So instead with have the memories and will make do with those. ( I am going to have to glue that doggone camera to my hand or something:)
I am going through the baby clothes that I have from A's infancy to get them ready for my sister in law who will be having a baby girl in Dec. I am having a little trouble with the clothes. You see A is appallingly
When A was tiny I had all of these outfits that never stained. I looked at them as I was packing them away and sould shake my head with a little dismay over how unused they looked. I held on to them and I am thrilled to be able to pass them on. I have clothes up to about 6 months size that look like they have never been worn, and then wham we are into clothes that I am embarrassed to say have come off of my child, let alone pass on.
That brings up another point. I am going through these clothes in awe. My big girl was in those clothes less than a year ago. How is that even possible? I know that babies grow fast. Every one warned me when she was tiny, " Enjoy it. It goes quick" I would nod my head like i knew what they were talking about. But here I am on the other side of that and I am wondering where the hell my infant went... instead I have an almost toddler who has so much personality I can't imagine where she came from!?! What is worse is that the early months are somewhat of a blur for me. I can remember highschool better than I can remember the early months of having my daughter. It all kind of whirls into a jumble and I am left shaking my head. I had read about that, but I really didn't believe it. I tell D that I can't remember that time clearly and he is amazed. But truly while I remember parts of it all, I cannot pull up specific memories with out a lot of work... and sometimes not even then. I wonder if it is hormones because I have a GREAT memory.
What ever it is I am working hard on being more conscious of the days with my daughter so I can remember it a little better. Now if I can just remember to use that damn camera.
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