Saturday, September 20, 2008

I don't need no stinkin handles

Ooooh she is getting brave. I suppose I should bring you all up to speed on her talents for the poll and the sake of fairness. My little one is getting geared up for walking and it really seems like it could be any day... but then we said that about my niece R for what seemed like 6 months before she finally took off by herself. So I guess we will see. R was 15 months when she started walking. I took my first steps on my birthday.... I have no idea when Dave started walking... but his mom says he was a very careful little guy and was content sitting so he may have taken longer. I will have to ask her.
A has taken to standing in the middle of the room to look at something that she is holding in both of her hands. " Look Ma no hands!" She has gotten really good at adjusting her balance when it starts to get off of kilter too. Her newest skill is that she can walk nearly across the kitchen while holding on to only one of mommy or daddy's hands. And every now and then she turns around and starts across the floor like she forgot that she can't walk yet only to remember and plop onto her bum. She also now uses her walker in reverse style... by that I mean she stands next to it and pushes it in front of her using it to give her stability as she gets across the floor.
She has tumbled a few times like every other kid out there... but she hasn't had a fall bad enough that it has made her scared of falling. She just cries for a minute or two and then moves on to the next challenge. She is always trying something bigger and better. As a matter of fact she just tried a long distance cruise while I was writing this between the bookshelf and mommy. Alas it was a bit further than she could handle and fell backwards. She has survived the fall and is already trying bigger and better distances.
So the long and the short of it is that any day now I could be telling you that she has taken her first steps..... or I could be telling you for the next six months that she will walk any day now. I guess the rest is up to A.

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