By the way.... she is still a girl. Like I told Christy, I don't care one way or the other really.... I just want a little bit of warning so that I don't decide that I can rely on the old stores of clothes only to find out that we will need to go shopping pronto for boys clothes on the day the kid is born. That would NOT be cool. Healthy is all I ask for... that and prior warning so that I don't have a boy in pink for the

Also babe has moved from being transverse and is now frank breach. Frank Breach means that her little butt is down and her head is up. If they are breach this is the best position. Aidan was a footling breach and that is NOT a good position.. that means that one little foot is dangling ( double footling means that both are dangling) and that is a bad position to be in... though the worst of all is of course transverse which is ALWAYS a c-section. Not that it matters one little bit this babe will be delivered by c-section and I am not given any sort of option on that. Some docs do give you a choice... mine does not. But even the more liberal docs would probably have a few issues with me trying to have a VBAC as a diabetic so we will be scheduling a c-section and so be it.
We did a growth scan too today and we are currently at 1 lb 9 ounces. That is bigger than A was at this age but still well with in the parameters that they want to see for this child. Not too big not too small. My doc is very happy with how she is growing and her anatomy all looks totally normal and healthy. So over all we are VERY HAPPY!
The office has referred me for physical therapy for my back and it looks as if we might be able to get me in before the end of the week. That will be a much needed relief if it can take care of some of the pain that I have been having. I got a massage from my cousin on Monday and that helped considerably. How lucky am I to have a cousin who is a massage therapist? She couldn't do the full body work up because of pressure points that can cause labor in the legs and feet... but what she did do was pure Heav

I am gaining weight faster than I did with Ash... though I am still well with in the parameters the doc and dietitian set for me. The difference I think is that I am already retaining water with this one... I didn't start swelling with Ash until I was firmly into my third trimester. I have taken my wedding ring off already this time, after it got good and stuck. Dave helped me to get it off and has put it in a safe place. I was warned repeatedly with Ash that I was going to have to take that ring off but never actually did, and in fact wore it into the delivery room. My mind is continually boggled by how different these pregnancies are from each other. You would think if you have been pregnant once that you would have a good baseline for how your body deals with the hormones and such that wreak such complete havoc on your body. Instead in many ways this pregnancy seems as if it is

Alright it is late and as I seem to be sleeping in shifts these days... I had better go and get a little bit of rest. Ash gets up awfully early and we are entering the allergy days.... That should make sleeping somewhat easier at least.
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