Holy Moly has this been a busy week. Last week this time I told you about my little one who had a touch of the flu.... oh how innocent I was complaining about the slightly fussy little girl with a bit of stomach upset... because the Fates decided to show me just what a sick baby is. At four thirty Sunday morning Dave and I awoke to our pretty little princess puking all over us... followed shortly by her puking all over us again. It was upsetting to her and she cried afterward which prompted mommy to comfort rather than focus on cleaning as Daddy had somehow fallen back asleep. ( I know right) In all fairness Daddy had injured himself the night before in a stupid wrestling match with his friend and had unknown to him at that point separated h

is shoulder so we have to give him a break. Once the babe was sufficiently comforted I had to focus on getting us cleaned up. Unfortunately my dear child had had a meal of salmon the night before and let me just say it was not the most pleasant of messes I have ever had to deal with. So fifteen or so minutes later Mom and A were cleaned up and in the living room. I was about to focus on getting Dad up and cleaning the bed room when there was an ominous sound from the direction of A's diaper. He he he she giggles "stinker" Yeah I just bet... and sure enough the mess in that diaper was colossal and guess what... she needed another change in clothes... even though I caught it as soon as it had happened. So off come the clothes and soiled diaper and on goes another diaper and another set clothes. I then got into the bedroom where Dad needed full an awful lot of help to get off of the bed. After the ten minutes of work to get Dad off of the bed I realized that there was another change of both diaper and clothes needed. Damn. With that done I stripped the bed while Dad helped her out with some pedialyte and toast as she was asking for juice and eat. I came into the room and sat down just in time to realize that she was once again puking and in a desperate and perhaps misguided attempt to keep her outfit clean I tried to catch it with my hands. I did a pretty good job, but seriously, GROSS. The outfit had to be changed anyways. So I changed the outfit... and then the diaper again... and it was quiet for about 15 minutes. When I got to go through the entire cycle again. Although eventually out of sheer lack of clothing I no longer changed the outfit just the diaper. F

inally around ten in the morning there was a bit of a lull... and she fell into a fitfull sleep on me on the couch. We had been sitting on the couch reading book after book after book and then doing it all over again for several hours when she finally thought about nursing and asked for it. That put her out like a light. And why wouldn't it: a warm lap, her blanky, her bear, and mom's breast sound like the perfect comfort combo. So out she went for about and hour while Dave ran to the laundromat to clean the sheets, and then to the store to get the needed sick items like Popsicles and jello. She woke up as he came in and we tentatively tried some of the items Daddy had gotten for her. Alleluia she kept it down.. but the every fifteen minute cycle on the diapers kept up as did the activity of lap sitting cuddling and reading. Later at about 2:30 Mom, Dad, and baby all went and laid down on the freshly laundered sheets and took a two or three hour nap. THAT was blissful as we had all been up since 4:30 and needed it! When we got up at five that fifteen minute cycle kept up ( and indeed did so through Monday) But the real crisis seemed like it was past. The lap sitting and reading was the activity all through the night... until Dad went to a friends house and got his projector and screen... at which point the activity turned to lap sitting and watching movies and continued until she went to sleep at nine. By Monday she seemed mostly better. However on Friday night I opened a 57 pack of diapers and on Monday they were replaced because we were out. She also blew ( Pun intended) through two full packs of diaper wipes. By Tuesday mom was willing to throw a party for a normal poopy diaper... though we did not see it happen really until Thursday.
On Monday Dave went to work and said he had injured himself and could not lift... they said uh no and sent him to the doc... where x-rays were done and it was determined that he had separated his shoulder. So they sent h

im home with a prescription of pain relievers and muscle relaxers and had him off work until they looked at him again on Thursday. The pain relievers and muscle relaxers did a lot for toning down his language and made him less of a bear to live with... and I have survived him quitting smoking twenty times so you know it was bad! On Thursday they gave him Friday off and said that he could return to work on Monday. Not a great situation as he does not get any paid time off or sick leave. So we will suck it up and deal with it... I guess that Peanut butter and Jelly is on the menu for the month of April.
I was very very glad to have him home on Tuesday night because during a time when he is normally gone a really bad storm hit us. The wind sounded like a train and though it was not a tornado it was a little scary... especially as we do not have a basement. There was a terrible crash sound that shook our whole house... and knocked things off of shelves in the kitchen. At first we had no idea what it was and as that was the only sound we went on our merry way... until about an hour and a half later I started hearing sounds that made me think the shower was on... only Dave had run to the grocery store... and the baby was sleeping. It seemed to be coming from the bedroom so I toddled off to the bedroom to discover that the shower was in our bedroom... and it was in several different places at once. SHIT. So I called Dave and told him to get his ass home fast because our entire bedroom was leaking and it was doing so on our fairly new bed! Dave and my dad investi

gated and realized that the boom and crash that we had heard was our roof being lifted off by the wind... YES LIFTED OFF. And all of the rain that had happened and was still happening was coming into our BEDROOM... and worse yet ONTO our NEW BED the one our daughter was currently sleeping on!( oh and all over our clothes in the closet and all over the floor and all over the well you get the point) Even worse this was not a drip, this was not even a drizzle, this was a stream and it wasn't getting any smaller it was getting bigger and worse it was happening in a new place by the second. So Dave and my Dad muscled the roof back into place and put sandbags and a few heavy objects on it to keep it down until something more permanent could be done as it was at this point midnight. Dave came in and put the bed on its side so that the least amount of damage could continue to be done... and Ash and I packed up to go sleep on my parents couch while Dave slept on our couch. It was the least restful night of sleep I have had since I brought Ash back home from the hospital, but at least then I had a beautiful new daughter to console me. Dave has spent the last three days running to the laundromat with loads of clothes... and we have been trying to clean up the mess. But there is a rather funky fish gone bad smell that is taking over the bedroom... so we still have some work cut out for us. The bed dried up... and we are hoping that we will not have to replace it as we don't have renters insurance. So we are keeping an eagle eye on the areas that were really damp... and hoping that no mildew pops up. I am hoping that the sandpaper throat that I have is not a result of the mildew... and I am also hoping that I am the only one feeling it!
So you wonder why the hell was Dave doing all of this injured as he is... and the thing is that not only am I pregnant... but that I myself am dealing with a back issue that has me gritting my teeth and losing sleep at night. I have a pinched nerve in my back and this last week the doc gave me Tylenol with codeine for the pain and is looking for a place to send me for physical therapy. By the end of an uneventful day I am swollen from the hips down... but also I get to the point where I can hardly lift my leg and

often end up tripping over flat ground due to my toes dragging when I walk. The right leg also gets either numb or pins and needles depending on the night and how active I have been. So I have been on the injured list myself this week. In fact the only one of us who doesn't seem to be is the baby that I am carrying right now. Oddly enough even with losing the pay from Dave being out of work... this has been a week where having him home has been a blessing. Thank God he had pain pills is all I can say... because I think that with the roof and the laundry he has worked harder at home than he would have at work. And one thing is certain around here ... when it rains it pours! in our case literally and onto our bed.
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