It has been a while yet again. We have been hard at work around here. We got a new washing machine dryer combo. Takes a LOOOONG time to wash clothes and can't cook or do dishes while it is working, but it is infinitely better than the laundromat. THAT was getting close to creating damage to our family unit as the person who had to do the laundry ( me) was contemplating doing something horrible to the people who made too much laundry ( every one ) in the house. A LOT of laundry can be made by little girls the age of ours.... and what is worse Dave can often go through three different shirts in a matter of minutes because one has a stain, one is too faded etc. He is such a girl about it. Of course I don't work outside the home so I have a pair of sweat pants on with holes in the side and a white tee-shirt that has prunes on it from one daughter and something else ( I can't identify it) from the other. I am fine with that because my two year old isn't really going to give me any grief when it comes to my wardrobe. Of course it would be nice to get dressed up every now and

then, but the sad reality is that there is little point and when I do where something that borders on nice I am in mortal fear that SOMETHING will happen to it. You name it I have had it on me due to my babies. I have been baptized in leaky diapers and washed off in various forms of spit up and puke. I am at any given time a bio-hazard and usually someone ELSE'S bio-hazard to boot. At any rate I seriously digressed. I have a washer/dryer combo! YAY! We are still working out the kinks ( like the fact that it takes 4 hours to do a load so how the hell can I feed my family and do laundry in any given day?) But I'm not hatin'. I have a way to do a few loads of laundry a day in my house.
And I have a new wood floor in my living room. My own personal Daveman put it in for me. It is BEEEEAUUUUUTYYYYYY-FUL! T cruises every where on this floor at a million miles per hour. She is loving it too. A spent the first hour of the new floor running around in the open spaces giggling and sliding. It is truly a wonderful thing. We are SOOOOOOO happy. I did not take before pictures because I don't want to have actual picture verification of what the floor looked like. The carpet had to be taken up due to a cat with a peeing problem and a little girl with allergies. So it was taken up. BUT we didn't have an

y money to REPLACE the floor so we have been living on a concrete pad with black tar paper on it for the last year. Before your freak entirely we did put down an area rug so the kids were able to play... but we had to keep them ON the rug rather than just let them play. It was NOT the best environment for our children. This is so much better now! So while I played with the girls and kept them out of his hair as much as possible... my daveman took the only two day weekend that he has gotten and will have in the month of April and put down the floor. Have I ever mentioned how MUCH I love this man!
Yes and while I am on the subject. His work has changed his schedule. It is a bit of a pain in our bums.... you see they went to a seven day a week delivery schedule and because of that he very very rarely gets what one wo

uld call a weekend any more. Usually he gets Saturday and Tuesday off. He had one normal Sat and Sunday weekend in March and had a Friday Saturday weekend this last week. It is a little bit of a pain as I have said. Especially as they are still trying to figure out what the heck they are doing with this schedule and change things up every couple of weeks.
The girls are a blessing of course, as always. We are so incredibly lucky to have them and each other. One of the really awesome things about Dave's later schedule is how our mornings work for us. We all sleep in the same bed and so we all wake up at around the same time. We wake up between 7 AM and at the latest 8 AM but we end up snuggling, cuddling and playing until at least 8:30. Some mornings until nine. It is amazing! I haven't ever really been a morning person, but I have become one! It is the best part of the day. We all wake up with smiles!
T-bear is pulling herself

up on everything in the world. She can walk across the floor with someone holding her hands. And she is so thrilled when she does something new. She grins from ear to ear and claps her hands. She is quite a little chatterbox ( much like her sister!) She gives you what for as often as she coos. She is eating food these days, and has started spitting it and hitting your hand when you are feeding her. I have been appalled by her manners. She gets the person who is feeding her as well as herself a total mess. This is something that I have read about from other people or heard about from other people... but I have NEVER had it happen to me. I am entirely serious. Not one of the babies I have had the pleasure of feeding has done this. I'm guessing that this makes me pretty lucky... but dang it can be hard to feed that little booger butt. She loves to feed herself finger food. That is one way that you can calm the stormy waters no matter what the case, or how tired. Putting her in her highchair with finger food is a tried and true answer.
A is beautiful as ever. She is growing like a little flower in the spring. Though she has many faces. This kid is seriously expressive. She is such a helper with her younger sister. She sings songs to her and helps to find toys. When mom is busy and T is crying she makes her smile. We are still working on the sharing idea. And she still has a bit of a problem understanding that

a toy that T has can't just be snatched away. But she is trying. We have been playing outside an awful lot lately with the wonderful weather that we have had. She more than anyone seems to appreciate the new schedule for Dave. While it only means one day of Daddy being home... it also means a shorter stretch between his days off. And that is a good thing when you are two. She loves her daddy a ton! She wants a tool box and tools like crazy right now. She wants to be able to help her daddy to fix things. The other day I found her laying on her back under her sister's highchair with the potato peeler "fixing" it. After checking to make sure that she wasn't indeed unscrewing screws or something of that nature ( as her sister was IN the chair) I asked her what she was doing. She answered " Don't worry about it, I fix it!" So I didn't worry about it, it was obviously in good hands.We will need to get her a toolbox here soon so she can stop using my kitchen utensils. We have to make do with a lot of different items for wrenches and screw drivers and hammers and such. She knows the names of the things that she wants.... so it is time to get her the items I guess.
So I am off. Gotta feed the masses. Dave will be done with work at 7:30 but that is too late for my little ladies. So I feed them before we go to get him. And then I make dinner after we get home. Our days get kind of crazy busy sometimes. I don't think I would change it though!
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