It has been yet again a terribly long time in between posts. It is shameful... I know. But I end up with a lot of things to do these days. Between playing the role of the third leg that is the tripod of Taryn right now, having tea parties and drawing pictures with my little dreamer Ashlynn, and taking Dave back and forth to work my days are full. And

every now and then I do pay a little bit of attention to my house. Though in all honesty it doesn't look like it today, but then it is mother's day and I gave it a once over and I am not doing too much more than that! Tomorrow is another day and I have a few moments time ( Dave has to work all day, Ashlynn is at my parents house playing and Taryn is down for a nap) so I decided to spend it this way. After having picked up every toy that the girls own. I swear they can't play with JUST one.... Ashlynn has a really bad tendency these days of just tipping over the toy box or climbing into it and tossing toys out one by one. When I mention that she could play with one toy at a time she usually tells me that she is looking for something. But that is the joy of being a mommy!!! Watching your kids do exactly what you did and come up with the same exact ( or even better) excuses. The other day Taryn started to scream and I went over and in a really bored voice Ash says " Oh she'll be okay I just bumped her with my feet. " I said back to her "Ash that is kicking and it can cause owies... your sister is crying because it hurt when you kicked her!" An

d she looks at me with interest and says " OH, is that KICKING!? Hm I didn't know that!" Tell me that what you would have done please because it was all I could do to keep myself from laughing out loud. THIS is what I am talking about. Now I realize that Ash is a little precocious and perhaps a bit ahead of the curve, but um that was just funny... and She KNOWS what kicking is so the reasoning behind it has to be to take my attention away from her behavior. And does she have mom figured out or what because that is a really quick way to distract me. Finding a way to make something a learning experience is what my method of raising children is all about... and she taught me something about just how savvy she is that day.
So Happy Mother's day to all. I know that there is only a few people who read this.... but ONE that I KNOW does read it deserves a big Happy Mother's Day said. Especially as she didn't even get so much as a card last year. I bought them ahead of time and had every intention of sending them but one

thing led to another and I was having regular bouts of contractions with T bear and Dave wouldn't let me leave the house and the next thing you know Taryn was here.... Oh my with the excuses huh? Well the funniest thing is that I had them sitting on my desk right up until the Sunday before Donna ( one of the recipients of said cards) came to see our little Bear ( and the rest of the family of COURSE : ) But on that Sunday Dave and my father were talking about a design that Dave had in mind for something or other ( He Always has something going on in that brain) and he used the cards to show the design. WHY he had to draw something similar four times ( twice on each card) I don't know... but the result was what looked like two big boobs on each card in permanent marker (.)(.) and I wasn't going to give them that way. So the cards didn't get given even when Donna came TO our house ( albeit in July which would have been two months late anyways) So I resorted to phone calls this year. I have a really bad habit of being a day late and a dollar short when it comes to that kind of thing. I always have the card.... and I always send it late ( if I s

end it at all) Once again shameful... and I can't even blame that one on the kids because that has been my MO for as long as I remember. I have the best of intentions and the worst ability to follow through of anybody I know. I am super organized up to a point and then it falls apart. Hence what my house looks like on an average day. It is clean and somewhat tidy.... if you don't look too closely. Ah well.... I would rather drink imaginary tea any day rather than sort through the junk mail... and I hope someday my children thank me for that!
Later today the girls and I will be having dinner with my parents for mother's day complete with our contribution so strawberries over angel food cake. Dave will not be able to join us as he went to work at 11 this morning and most likely will not get off of work until 9 or so. Ah well what can you do? One of us has to work and being as I have the breasts that are feeding our baby right now the logical choice is that he work. The cost of baby formula alone would be prohibitive should we decide that I should be the one to work.... not to

mention my little missy is REALLY picky about some things. One of those things is that she WILL not take a bottle. Never has and I guess at this point won't have to worry about it. When she was little we tried a few times to let me have a girls night out or go to an appointment with out her. Leaving her at home with Dave armed with several bottles in case she needed to eat. I would get home to an entirely frazzled husband and a baby who had been crying for a good portion of the time that I had been gone. So we gave up ( can we say trained mommy and daddy) It was just too hard on poor Dave's nerves. She is older now and doesn't need


o nurse quite so frequently ( this kid was VORACIOUS when she was little and sometimes it seemed like she was permanently attached to me) and actually is taking fluids other than breast milk from a sippy cup but she still likes the good stuff straight from the tap! : )
So in a crazy way this is my mother's day card to the mothers we love so very much. Happy Mother's Day!
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