You'll never guess what A[shlynn] started doing yesterday. She laughed! Her first ever. I blew raspberries on her tummy after changing her and she laughed. I could hardly believe it. So like any other parent in the world I then tried to get her to do it again..... and tried and tried and tried. After 30 minutes of trying to get a laugh and getting that quizzical look that only infants and dogs can give you, I gave up. I finally decided that it was a figment of my imagination and got her and myself dressed and went over to my parents, where Lucky the dog whined to go outside and busted A up. I mean she thought it was hysterical. He whined again and she laughed again. Poor dog we tortured him then as we all started laughing and he continued to whine. It was a catch 22. The more he whined the more she laughed and you guessed it the more the adults in the room laughed. I am adult enough to admit that I cried a few tears. I have waited so long and cried so many tears. It was a moment of sheer exhilaration.
I could hardly wait for my husband to get home so that I could tell him about it all. D didn't even have his coat off before I was telling him about it all. He looked crestfallen for a moment. " She laughed and I missed it?" he asked. I almost wished at that moment that I had not told him about it and pretended that it was the first when she did it for him. It might have been easier if she would have been willing to laugh at all today... but NO instead she has to play it cool. Nary a laugh in sight. Sigh... Well at least I know that she can do it and maybe someday someone other than the dog will get her to do it....
In her defence he is a really cute dog.
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