If there is one task in the house that I hate it has got to be laundry. It is never ending... and if you are wearing clothes while you are doing the laundry you are starting out at a loss. I would gladly toss out all that we have and start over.... except for the fact that shortly after we do that I would be back at square one with laundry to do. One of the biggies with laundry is that it piles up so quickly, especially when you have a man like I do who can manage to go through three shirts in the few hours that he is home. Not to even begin to mention the fact that he has no idea how to get the dirty clothes that he is no longer wearing into the extremely accessible basket that I leave for him. No instead dirty clothes litter the bathroom a
nd the living room floor. Yes I said living room. The man takes off his socks and leaves them where ever he does so. There are moments when he is lucky I love him.
When I was pregnant and people told me repeatedly how much more laundry I was going to be doing I listened with half of an ear. I figured that it was fairly apparent that laundry increased when you have a new person in the house. Ah the bliss of ignorance. You see my math was flawed. I didn't realize that a baby creates an entire load of laundry all by herself every single day. Sometimes two in a day.
When A was really little she often ended up having to be changed 3 or 4 times a day. She would poo or pee on a sleeper and she would puke all over herself and me. There were burp rags and receiving blankets to be washed. There were sleepers and sheets. That doesn't even take into account the times mom had to change due to being completely defiled by some bodily function that covered her. And in the early weeks I wasn't fussy if it didn't smell I kept it on... unless I was going out into public.
A has grown and changed a ton, and with that growth and change the task of laundry has eased somewhat. There are still the days when I must change her from the skin for a myriad of reasons, but for the most part she stays in one outfit for the day now. These are changes for which I am eternally grateful. As we slip out of some of the tasks we slide into others. For while I am no longer doing 8 or 9 loads of laundry a week... these days I am lucky to be able to get away for a second to do the 5 or 6 I have a week. What with crawling all over the house and pulling up on everything in sight, A has become quite a handful. And my little cuddler no longer can stand a lap for longer than 10 seconds before she is doing the flat body slide down to the floor. God she is fun right now!
It seems that no sooner do I see an end in sight of one job another is looming on the horizon. As it stands I am of the mind that in one way or another I am bound to be busy until she has moved out.
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