A is a very mobile baby these days. If it isn't glued down it gets picked up and put in the mouth and if it is close enough to the floor it is used to pull up on or to climb. The kid can't even walk yet and she is attempting to climb furniture to get to what she wants. And believe you me she knows what she wants and rarely can be dissuaded when she has made up her mind. It has become quite a feat to get a diaper on her straight. She holds still just long enough for me to get the new diaper under her and then it is on. She rolls over, crawls away, sits up... you name it she has tried it. Not that I am complaining too strenuously... my niece R would do all of that while screaming at the top of her lungs. She hated getting her diaper changed. At least A takes it in stride for the most part.
Our little angel has become quite bossy in her old age. It cracks me up as she will point her finger at you and in a very firm tone say.... well something. She knows what she means at any rate. She will point at me as I am washing up her dinner and holler "MAA" " MAA" until I go and get her. It cracks my own mother up watching me scurry around trying to get the mess that A has just made cleaned up w
hile she is letting me know repeatedly and at top volume that she wants me NOW! She wants a toy that is out of reach... She points to it and in an authoritative tone says "DAT" She is thrilled when she gets what she wanted. I am still not sure if she is proud of herself for the communication or proud of us for finally getting what was so obvious. She points at something new and she says (I kid you not) "Whats dat?" Add that to the Daddy and Bupa that she already had and we have a nine month old who has quite a few words at her command.
She has new shoes that have given her stability enough that she can stand for nearly a minute with out support. And as she has gotten so very brave lately she now has a host of bruises on various parts of her body. It seems somehow that I as mommy should be able to keep some of them from happening.... but she is so quick that half the time I am just milliseconds too late. Not to mention the ones on her shins are from crawling over toys... and there is no way to keep those toys off of the ground for longer than 1 hour during the day. She has them all out in a matter of seconds and from there they are strewn all over the house as she makes her way systematically from one section of the room to the next destroying order and wreaking havoc. There is nothing in this house that is safe anymore, and sometimes the only way to get anything done is to let her get into something else while you are cleaning another mess.
As of this week she has apparently decided that one nap a day is enough thank you very much. She goes to bed a little earlier and stays asleep a little longer, and makes up for it all during the day. That is not to say that I am giving that nap up easily. We still go and lie down for a little while to see if she will fall out for a little while. More realistically wha
t it has come to constitute is me laying on the bed watching her play quietly for about 45 minutes. Yesterday while I was laying on the bed she took the blanket and pulled it up to my neck and then patted me, in much the same manner that I have done to her a million times and will do a million more. It truly touched me, she was so tender.
It seems nearly impossible that nine short months ago she was so teeny I was afraid to touch her and I was still in the hospital after having her. Officially today I have had the child longer than I carried her in pregnancy. Oddly enough it seems hard to believe that it has been that long... and yet it also seems as if she has been with me forever. I couldn't imagine my life with out her any more. In fact I have a hard time remembering life with out her, much less remembering a time when D and I hurt so bad from our losses that we were ready to give up on having a child. I still take a moment every single day to thank God for this child, and to thank this child for being with us. Every single second is an adventure and I can't take a single one for granted. Perhaps if nothing else that is what Aislynn and Aidan gave us.... the ability to truly live in the moment with A and love every second.... even as she exasperates and frustrates us. She is just so dang cute as she does it... and when she gives us that mischievous little grin I think we would forgive her anything.
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