I do apologize for the delay in getting back to you guys. ( Do you ever feel like I apologize a lot for being remiss... I will have to work on that:( : P ) So many things have happened since I last posted....

We dressed up for Halloween

We ate Birthday Pie

We opened Birthday Presents

It has been a busy couple of weeks. On top of my child's birthday I have, since my last post, found out that I am pregnant. So I am busily producing the next of our progeny. Dave and I feel like we are on a tilt-a -whirl and one minute we are thrilled the next we feel slightly queasy... well alright its me that feels queasy, but still. As my young daughter had nothing to do with this new change and is not REALLY ready to wean yet.... I will be nursing her through the pregnancy. Before you get too upset I have spent the last 5 days or so researching this and it is healthy for both babes and for mom as long as mom eats healthy. I made a promise to my little girl though that I would nurse her until SHE is ready to wean, and that time has not come yet. I love her too much to take such a comfort away from her when we are embarking on a journey that may leave her feeling insecure. And yes before you ask if she has not weaned herself by the time the new babe comes I will tandem nurse them. I have also done research into that and it is also completely healthy for all involved so long as the new baby gets to nurse more in the early days to get the colostrum. Dave is 100% behind me on this ( good thing to because all I have read says that this is not an easy road and I will be EXHAUSTED.) This seems to be a good answer for our family though and nearly all of the anxiety of having two so young disappeared as Dave and I discussed this particular option. Nearly all of the research says that young ones that I tandem nursed in this manner are remarkably close and that they have relationships that are more like twins than siblings with space between them. As this is what I want for my children this is the choice that we have made. I am not foolish enough to think that this will be easy. Quite the contrary most articles say that it is exhausting and tough on mom at first... but having a baby is exhausting and tough on mom at first.
So here we go into uncharted territory in so many ways. I will have yet another high risk pregnancy, but this time I will have an active toddler to deal with also. I will continue to nurse, but now I will be pregnant while doing so. I hopefully will have another beautiful happy wonderful baby, though this time I will have to help my daughter to feel that this is an acceptable change to our family and she is not going lose her spot. I guess that Dave and I don't really know how to do things the easy way do we.
3.... 2.... 1.... Jump
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