Friday, December 12, 2008

Little new little old

Well I think we may have finally beat the ear infection. We had her in for a recheck today.... On Tuesday we had her in the office with a 101.6 temp but Doc wanted to give meds more time. So we toddled off to the doc today and were given the all clear... aside from the cold that she has picked up now. I guess it is always something. I myself was back at the doc today too. The antibiotic that I was given last week didn't cut it and I am sick again... or really still as I never did get completely well. I have been coughing and hacking for a week straight and I am SO TIRED OF COUGHING. Not to mention around about the third day of constant coughing it occurred to me that it could be causing problems for the little one that I am carrying as the reason for so many losses was an incompetent cervix. So I called MFM and guess what it could indeed be causing problems but we cannot do anything because it is too early in the pregnancy. So we are trying instead to control the cough. So we are praying that we can keep it under control until I am well enough that I don't need to cough anymore. Then we are hoping for no more colds coughs or otherwise until the cerclage gets put in. ( 4 weeks from now.)
Its been busy around here with every one getting sick. Dave finally started sniffling today.... but he will be over it in an hour, he always is. Both of my parents are on the second round of antibiotics too. Stay well if you can folks cuz it is UGLY stuff this year.
As to other news. We are still pregnant and spotting is minimal... although the coughing does produce some. I am also still nursing... although it is not an easy road to follow some days. I have to drink tons of water to ensure that I have enough for everyone and if I let myself get even a little dehydrated then the milk supply goes down. A doesn't like that. We found that out the hard way when a few weeks ago I didn't have any purified water around to drink ( we can't drink our well water we live in a Super Fund that makes you sick.) So I was drinking other things diet pop and the like. That evening while trying to nurse A there just wasn't anything there. So I sat there holding a crying baby sobbing about how this wasn't what I wanted while my mother got her a bottle of juice. Yes we resorted to a bottle but the child needed comfort in the same manner she gets from nursing so it seemed like a good choice. These days I do not let myself run out of water and everyone is on task to make sure I am drinking enough.
The other part of nursing that is tough is that these days there are times when it is excruciating to have her nurse. That gentle little tingle of milk letting down is now a nerve wrenching painful tingle and my nipples are tender from the pregnancy. God Forbid she should get on there wrong. I am in misery! With her teething right now there is also the inevitable little bite that causes serious issues for me. Not to mention with her new found abilities and activity has come some interesting and creative nursing positions. The other day her squirming had her falling off of my lap while still latched on. YEEEOWCH! There are definitely moments when I wonder if I am crazy. And then there are the times that I am certain that I am. The thing is that she needs this from me and for as long as I can do it. I am committed to giving my child the best that I can.... I won't let a new pregnancy get in the way of that... yet. There will come a day when I most likely will have to wean her or greatly limit her... but it hasn't come yet. Right now I am focusing on giving my little one everything I've got to give.
In the interest of doing just that I am going to go curl around my little one who is napping and offer the healing touch of love.... for both of us.

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