Thought I would take advantage of the little bit of extra time that I have while the punkin is still asleep and write a few words. Seems like all I am doing these days with the blog is struggling to keep up. Every day Ash is adding something new and as I want all of you in the loop.... especially the grandparents who are out of town I try to get as much as I can in the blog. But it is nearly impossible to do. There are a million and a half cute things that happen ever

y day that I would love to add with all of the skills updates. There is a new word seemingly every hour. My little girl is growing up fast. Then there are the pictures. I have at least one hundred new ones to share with you all... but it has to be done in a logical manner! No one wants to look at 100 pictures even of the cutest kid in the world. You add to that the new pregnancy and things get a bit crowded. My blogs get long and seriously involved and by the time I am done I feel like I haven't been able to get you even half of the information that you all deserve.
And yet the free moments to blog are hard to find when you alone are in charge of a tornado with a purpose. And it is hard to fit it all in when you want to spend some of your time reading and some of your time knitting or crocheting and some of your time just daydreaming or god forbid showering.... and the tornado gives y

ou two little hours ( some times 2 1/2 hours) of free time a day, if you are lucky because she has been known to miss a nap or two also. Factor into that the fact that I am more often than not outright exhausted and take a nap with her and you have a recipe for very little extra getting done.
I guess what this is turning into is an extended apology for both my sporadic posting and the length of the posts when I do. There is also a hint of apology for the reporter like quality that has become the posts, when what I really always have wanted was an artistic manner of sharing what my child and soon to be children are doing for the people who don't see us everyday. I will say that I will try to get better. Perhaps if I blog more frequently I can get the cute little things that Ash does that I don

't have the space for into the blog. ( Example the other day we were playing out side and she saw a bumble bee.... now I don't want her to be afraid of bugs.... so I told her that bumble bees were nice bees... but that we should leave them alone. And I then caught her as she ran towards the bee saying " Aww Sweet Bee" and looking for a hug. Tell me that isn't cute. She then wanted me to take a picture of said be.... which I did)
I don't know how well my goal of writing more frequently will turn out. It may work... it may not. I am in the stages of late pregnancy with another. So it may take a full out miracle for me to actually find the time... as I am getting slower and slower. ( For crying out lou

d even things like getting Ash's shoes on takes me twice as long... and gets me out of breath. It is crazy!!!) But I will promise to try... meanwhile I will add lots of photos to the blogs as long as it isn't going to make the post ridiculously long. Until then I bid you adieu... oh and by the way.... some of the photos I am uploading today were actually taken YESTERDAY!!!! That is how current they are !
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