Alright so I promised a blog that would be a little more like a book you could read and less like a picture book when it wasn't midnigh

t and I wasn't hurtin just sittin. Well I still have a back that wants to poop on me but what do I expect in the last trimester of pregnancy. The description " I am feeling good" changes a little as you get further along. The qualifier of " for someone who is eight months pregnant" gets silently added. But the nice part about being so far along is that you CAN see an end. Having been watched so closely from really the beginning of the pregnancy makes for a really long pregnancy. LOL My first appointment was when I was 4 weeks pregnant.... and here I am 31 and a half weeks along.
So for those of you who read my facebook logs and statuses you know that all of a sudden I have been having problems with my blood sugars dropping. This is not a great thing because.... Aside from the obvious of waking up with a blood sugar of 49 and feeling like crap... that low of a sugar can put me in a coma... and eventually kill me. Thank God for Ash waking me up is all anybody can say. As we were home alone and not expected at my parents for another hour and a half, things could have gotten ugly ugly. But Spirit was with us, and kept us safe.

Apparently a few of my little angels are looking down and more often than not... because I have woken myself up with the same problem ( 53 and 61 respectively ) and the numbers that I have been having after dinners and such suddenly dropped too. Not huge amounts but just enough to be alarming. The worry is that if that happens there is a fear that the placenta is not working so well. So I told my doc on Tuesday when we went in and they started monitoring the baby to ensure that she is doing okay. It is a little early but an NST ( non-stress test) and a biophysical profile was done. Baby passed on both accounts. So we will have an ultrasound on Wed of next week and we will have another set of NST and biophysical profile and then twice a week she will have to pass her test from there. If the baby is in any distress due to the placenta failing they will take her early. So no worries we are in good hands. They also backed me off on my insulin so that I don't have any more reactions and I am under strict orders that I am to watch CLOSELY! So no big we are okay.
Ash is changing every day and becoming more of a big girl with every change. She is a pistol and keeps me on my toes.... sometimes literally. There are evenings when I want nothing more than to sit, but this seems to be a particularly active time and I end up chasing her from room to room in the house. While she can be left for a

few moments by herself.... you cannot trust too much more than that. She is fearless and has an absolute certainty that she will always be caught when she falls by someone who loves her. Maybe that trust comes because someone always does. Dave keeps insisting that I should just let her fall.... then she will learn her lesson. I am of a different school of thought. I feel that catching her is the better choice, and so I scurry around keeping her safe. I figure there are better ways of learning lessons.
She has a mind of her own. An amazing mind of her own. It is a pleasure and a frustration at the same time. She is brilliant and can figure things out faster than we can contain her. She has figured out drawers and she has also figured out most of the childproofing methods and latches. She sings the ABC song and then claps for herself excited because of her accomplishment. She hollers when she doesn't get her way and has a knack for making sure that every one in the vicinity knows that she wants something. She will shout at top level. And if that doesn't work she will just keep shouting until she gets what she wants. For example she wants down from the dinner table but mom is busy cleaning up

first. She will ask " get down" and when that doesn't work she will shout " GET DOWN" When that doesn't work she will shout. " GET DOWN GET DOWN GET DOWN GET DOWN" repeatedly until she gets her way. It cracks my parents up.
Somehow though even when she is driving me crazy she is making me love her more than anything
So we are counting down the days until the new baby comes and watching as our current baby becomes a big girl. Seems like nothing changes while nothing stays the same. I will try to keep up the current pace of blogging.... however I make no promises. I will of course let you all know if anything changes in the well-being of the baby.
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