Got some really good photos of Ash today while we played outside. We go outside every day for at least an hour... usually in the morning as the sun isn't as intense then, and it is a good thing too... because we have had storms it seems like every afternoon forever. Ash loves to play outside. And mommy straps the littlest kiddo onto her front and away we go. Yesterday Daddy pushed the stroller while mommy walked with Taryn on and we went all the way up to the gas station to get us all a drink. We got home in the nick of time and the girls napped through the afternoon storm. We are settling into life as a family of four. Taryn has started smiling!! That is so remarkable and when that smile is aimed at you it makes the whole day light up. Ash is becoming quite the big sister... and is slowly but surely settling into her role. There were a few weeks there where I didn't recognize my daughter... but she is back. Though the temper tantrums have not gone completely they are not hourly either. Bedtime has settled down a little too. THANK GOD! I was close to giving up entirely and just running out on my family all together.
Ash is getting so big we have been able to start putting her hair into ponytails. Although Granny and Gramps take her swimming all the time and Gran has a real liking for pig tails. Either way Ash seems to like getting her hair done up. On their anniversary Gran and Gramps went shopping and Ash has gotten six new pairs of shoes ( since Taryn was born ) and several outfits. The shoes were drastically needed though, because when they sized her feet they realized that she had grown from a 5 1/2 or six to a 71/2 or 8. That shocked EVERYONE. But she got new shoes at that trip... and then when Gran and Gramps got home from the outlet stores she got several new and special shoes. Granny and gramps found some sparkly shoes that light up... and they found some Cookie Monster Polliwalks. If you have never heard of Pollilwalks google them and see what they are all about. The are the cutest shoes ever. She is stylin' right now though no matter what she is wearing. Here is a link that will take you to view the Cookie monster shoes!
She is a mile a minute and she never walks if she can run. These days she Jumps jumps jumps all over the place. It is so much fun to watch. She has been watching a lot of Sesame Street when mom is busy and she can name every character. I have started to limit it though because if given the opportunity she will watch it all day long... and with it streaming live at Sesame she CAN! The thing is that it really doesn't do anything for her energy level, and when it finally gets turned off she is climbing the walls. It is a great tool and she learns so much from it... but there has to be limits.
Taryn is settling down into life here on earth. She is slowly but surely getting to the point where we can put her down... and PRAISE GOD she has started taking a nuk. Mama was getting pretty worn around the edges from nursing and being a pacifier. She smiles now as I mentioned above and she is fascinated by her older sister. She is just at that point where newborns don't fit very well but most 0-3 months swim on her so in a few days they will fit better I am sure. The kid eats enough to feed a small army. Her little personality is coming out more every day and she is going to be a cuddly loving little spitfire. Her hair is a weird mix of orangey red and blond. In some lights it looks pink LOL. We will know a little more about its color when it grows some.
So all in all we are doing well around here. Learning a little bit at a time what a new face in the family means. It is hard sometimes for every one. But I think we all have come to love each other enough that we all want to try real hard. Ash the other day was quite disturbed and wouldn't nap because baby Taryn wasn't there with us. She was asleep with daddy in the other room. I guess that says it all!
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