We had Taryn's two month check today... and found out that she is a beautiful healthy little girl! Well no I knew that before... but the doctor found that out today. She is 11 lbs 13 ounces and she is 22 inches long... ( well just about 22 inches long but whose REALLY counting?) She is in perfect health and came away with a prescription for a vitamin that the doc suggested because of the fact that T is a breast fed baby.
We have been so amazed by how big she is getting and Dave even called her a "bruiser" saying that she was going to be much b

igger than her sister... because she already was bigger.... I warned him that you don't know until you know... but he insisted that she is such a big girl. So I looked back for a comparison and at the two month check our Ashlynn Bear was 12 lbs 13 ounces and 23 inches long. So much for T being so much bigger than Ash was... Ash had a full pound and a little more than an inch on her. There is no way to know what either of these two girls will be as adults so I will stop all speculation right there. But I am happy to say that at this age we were having such a tough time with Ash and eczema and Taryn doesn't seem to have the same trouble. We will see as time moves forward... but I just may find that for all Taryn is harder to please and far more demanding of attention... Ashlynn's health concerns may not be an issue with this one. One thing is certain.... God is teaching me the lesson very clearly that all people ( read babies) are indeed very different. Just because you have had

one DO NOT think you will have the same or even a comparable experience with the second. Not that I thought that I would... but I thought there would be some similarities and this is like opposite ends of the spectrum! One thing is very sure though.... it keeps things interesting.
We went to the Children's farm this weekend. Ashlynn was entirely taken with the animals! NO FEAR! She stuck her hands in to pet and held food in her hands with never a hesitation. Now every time we get into the car she asks if we are going to ride ponies or pet goats. She must have had a ton of fun, because it made quite an impression. We did get pictures of that!!! I am still out of sorts that I forgot the doggone camera for the zoo trip. ARGH!!! But at least I got a few of this last weekend to share.
Ashlynn has started calling T Taryn Bo Baryn because of the name song. When I ran out of things to sing one night while

T was fussing I pulled that out and started singing it. Ashlynn thought that it was great fun. She was giggling hysterically by the time I was done. I did Ashlynn's name too... but it didn't glean near the hysteria. Since that night though Ash has called her Taryn Bo Baryn. She is becoming quite the loving older sister and while she enjoys time with just mommy she worries if Taryn isn't with us. Mommy took just Ash out on Monday to play ( no pics of that one... I ran and twirled with my daughter rather than just watched her and Daddy watched Taryn) and she ate up the time... but kept asking if Taryn was okay. We went to the store today just Ash and I and the

same thing "Taryn Okay? Taryn okay?" She also wants to hold her all the time and is asking to kiss and hug her spontaneously. It truly is a wonderful thing to see. For her part Taryn is completely taken by her older sis. She talks up a storm and smiles something fierce when Ash is in her line of sight. She gets those legs kicking and her arms a waving and everyone in the world can see that she likes her older sister. I hope sincerely that they will grow up to be great friends.
So two months gone... and I won't lie and say that they have been easy. They have flown! That much is true. They have been wonderful in their own way. They have been difficult and they have been full of trials, but I am not sure I would change one thing about them. I am learning how to be a mommy to two little bit by little bit. I am madly in love with my newest daughter and though I joke about her crying ( and sometimes it DOES feel excessive) I love that she has standards and that even at a few weeks old she will stand up and say something about it. I adore her feisty little spirit. And we are coming to terms with each other little bit by little bit. I am learning her cries and she is .... well she is still crying... but she is getting used to being down and it takes longer for her to start wailing these days. Funny thing though I am getting to the point where I hardly hear it anymore. She started up while I was filling out some paperwork at the docs

and I didn't even notice until some woman gave me a nasty look... Oops.... not everyone understands that when you have a kid who cries so much your psyche tunes it out in self defense. Ah well they can give me dirty looks all they want... they don't have to LIVE with her! HA HA HA
Look at that smile though... who wouldn't love her?
Seriously who... I want names!!!!
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