pretty flower in the front yard.... smells nice
mommy picked flowers for me.... yes they are weeds but we won't tell mommy that
Always got something to say.... BTW her shirt says " Don't mess with me, My daddy KICKS BUTT!" It just may be true!
Got lots of these with her playing with the stone lady. She is fascinated by her... and I just know that one of the pics that I get is going to be AWESOME... Gotta take tons to get the one awesome one! But meanwhile I will share all the okay ones with you!
Got lots like this too! I am determined to have pics of her that are pleasant... So if we mark the passage of time in pics of her sleeping in the baby carrier... SO BE IT. Please ignore my boob, its her favorite place to rest her head. Its like a full service hotel without the pool.
Sometimes even mommy holding her isn't enough. This is what we call her vocal yoga! We see this face A LOT!!! How do you love a baby who screams all the time.... YOU JUST DO!!! And you adore her when she's asleep!
Note to mommy: I do not scream ALL the time! I do take breathers.... and really if you fed me every now and then and didn't make me eat my fists..... MAYBE I would be more pleasant.... Now FEED ME or in the words of my mentor Oscar the Grouch "GET LOST"
Daddy gets a turn too.... although when the screaming hits the ears he always hands her to mommy. The downside of nursing is everyone else thinks that mom is the answer.... sometimes she is just the victim. LOL
I may have shared this one before.... I can't remember and can't go back to look.... but it is hands down one of my favs!!!
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