A and T both have had terrible reactions to mosquito bites in the last week and we have eight GAZILLION mosquitos in our yard so we are hiding out in the house lately. That makes for some interesting days.... as girls who do not get to run and jump outside tend to get antsy. BUT we are managing. A has done all sorts of crafts lately... and for once I realized that she has become ready to move on to things that I wasn't prepared for. I usually am a step ahead and expecting her to be ready for something that she isn't.... this time she has shown me that she is ready for things I haven't really planned for. The other day she asked to use scissors. And as she had asked so nicely, and partly from sheer curiosity I let her. She did WONDERFULLY. She cut and diced up a flyer that I had no need for. SO I think that a trip to the store for some of those fun cut scissors and construction paper might be in order. She also wants to make more intricate crafts ( for instance a kite that is cut into the shape of a kite and it has to have a tail) So a glue stick may also have to be added to our list of things to get. She has a ton of fun with arts and crafts though and so it is something I like to offer a lot of for her. She has gotten more solid in the last few weeks. My willow-the-wisp toddler is becoming a child. It is really something to see it happening. She also has come out of her shell a ton. My shy girl now loudly introduces herself to anyone she notices in the store. She still is not a real fan of someone ELSE initiating contact... and will turn shy the moment that someone tries to talk to her.But she will call across the store to someone who has caught her interest. " Hi I'm ASHLYNN!" over and over until that someone notices that she is talking to them. I find my self EXTREMELY irritated if someone ignores her. I figure my child has chosen you to test her new social skills on... the least you can do is respond. She is still uncertain and it doesn't take much for her to feel bad. It happened the other day at her cousin R's house. R wanted to play with her neighbor girls who were older and A got left behind. It was her first experience of that and it hurt... but more so it hurt me. I wanted to wade in and MAKE those little girls play with my amazing child. But I can't do that. Instead I had to provide comfort after. It isn't a big surprise, it was bound to happen R is now 5 and A is still only 2.
What can we say about T bear... other than she is the sun that shines in the sky. A is my little flower and always will be... but T is my little sunshine. Different and individual and yet similar in so many ways. My T bear is walking now more than she is crawling. She walks like a little chimpanzee... it cracks everyone up. She starts our across the floor and then when she falls ( IF she falls ) she finishes the trip crawling. But she rarely falls anymore. She has learned the art of climbing too. That is terrifying sometimes. That gasp of breath that says mom is scared witless, is heard ALOT! " GASP DAVE get her!" , " GASP WHAT are you doing up there?", " GASP TARYN we DON'T climb bookshelves!" ... these are the kinds of things that are heard often around her. She is picking up words pretty quickly too. Today alone she learned bubble and Abby. She also waves bye bye and blows kisses and gives ya five. If you say dog she will bark bark bark. And she LOVES to put her head in the washer to bark so that she can hear the echo. She has cut two teeth just this week. Which brings her to a grand total of seven teeth. She is a go getter when she wants something.... but only if she can't get you to get it for her first. She will reach and wiggle her fingers to let you know she wants something and then progress to " DAT DAT DAT!" Followed by squeals and screams... and last and certainly in her opinion LEAST she will get it herself if she must. She has this little laughs that will make you giggle too!
We love our little bears. I have to admit that I sometimes have a little trouble writing about them both though. NOT because we have so little going on... but because there is a part of me that wants to stay away from comparing so much that I avoid writing all together. Taryn isn't progressing as fast in some areas as Ash did... in others she is progressing faster. That is the nature of children, they are all different. But I as their mommy love them so much I do not EVER want them to find this blog someday and say... " Mommy you think that such and such is better because... " Is that a little bit crazy of me? I suppose. But these are my babies and I NEVER want them to think that I EVER thought one was better than the other in anyway. I am working on it... just like I am working on trying to figure out my time a little better. I will eventually it will just take time. Meanwhile I am taking some amazing photos of my girls... I will post some right now. and If there just aren't enough of them here for you... check out my facebook page. It is FILLED with them ;)
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