The DHS job is however full time. Not really what I want and I wouldn't even consider it were it not for the fact that my husband lost HIS job early last week. He is applying left and right for jobs and is looking into truck driving school so that we can keep bread on the table, but it leaves us feeling just a little bit....well to be honest SCARED OUT OF OUR FREAKIN' MINDS. We have two little girls who we have to care for and two out of work parents is not okay. So I am applying for work too and we will see how things pan out. We both agree that we want our children to be home with a parent rather than with a daycare provider. It is a personal choice that is of great importance to us. We also know ( thanks to my previous placement with child care subsidy) that unless both parents are college educated and placed in a career that has a salary GREATER than 20,000.00 a year that one parent is simply working to pay for that parent working and child care. By that I mean that the second income usually gets eaten up by the average cost of childcare, and will afford a tank of gas... if the parent works full time. So what is the point. It makes most sense for me to be the one home because I am still nursing T... but when you are faced with this type of situation well you improvise.
SO we have agreed that SHOULD I get the DHS position that I will work there until Dave gets himself through school and then I would stay home... because Dave's goal is to go over the road if possible. Meanwhile I am praying that I get one of the at home jobs that I have applied for... because that would be PHENOMENAL. Still and all keep us in your prayers... because while I know that Spirit has a plan and we don't always get to see all the moves before the hand is played out ( yes I know that i mixed up the metaphores but you get what I am saying ) it is all a little scary.
So on to far more exciting and important things... my beautiful girls. Who are growing in LEAPS and BOUNDS. These kids just won't stop growing. T can walk now and tries her hand at running. She is so cute when she does it. Looks like a little chimpanzee when she walks. She sings the "B is for Bubble " song from Sesame Street all the time, and that kid has an ear for pitch... she is RIGHT on. She has learned some of the more polite phrases from her sister and now has added "Go Away" and "Mine" to her phrases and words. She communicates in other ways too... if she is hungry she climbs her highchair, if she is thirsty she walks around flicking her tongue on her upper lip, if she is mad she screams and throws her nuk across the room... yeah it caught us by surprise the first time too. She is a fist full of dynomite that one. She is also a little ray of sunshine with that little smile of hers. And her giggle is enough to bring people from the next room, it is contagious. Simply put she is one of the most incredible little people I have ever had the fortune to meet.
The other amazing little person would be A. She is my little flower. While T is sleeping she curls into my lap and we cuddle, just her and me. " Do kisses and hugs make you smile, Mommy?" She asks as she snuggles in. " Do hugs make you happy?" I don't think there is anything in the world the kid could do that could pop my bubble of happy. She is potty trained now and rarely has an accident... but she also has really taken to being naked and spends most of the day that way... Girl Nature tears her clothes off minutes after they have been put on her or seconds after we come in the door. Dave tries endlessly to get her to wear at least underpants... but she won't have anything to do with it. I think it is kind of funny though and don't really press the issue... she will grow out of it. She is also into every kind of art you can imagine. I have finger paints, water colors, markers, papers scissors and glue: you name it the kid wants to do it. A few weeks back we made playdoh with peanut butter that she could eat when she was done. She loved it so much she asked if we could do it the next day. Today we made a cake to " surprise" daddy with. It wasn't much of a surprise as he was in the house when we did it... but it was important to her that it be a surprise cake and so it was. Gingerbread, Daddy's favorite ( well that and spice, carrot, and poppyseed, and well you get the idea. )
I have so much fun with my girls! We have been avoiding the outside world like the plague lately. Both girls have severe allergic reactions to mosquito bites... and we have a mosquito FARM out there right now. With Ash being allergic to EVERYTHING in the world we have to be careful what we use to keep her bitefree.... and I am a little bit unsure of using anything too strong. Still we have been to the dr once for a bite in the last month and we don't need anymore. We literally run from the car to the house in the evening hours. My mother makes someone carry her back home ( because I have Taryn) so as to hopefully avoid them on her legs and she has to wear pants out. Taryn is no better. Hers are a different sort of reaction but just as bad. So we have been trying to come up with new and interesting options for inside play. It is good that thing1 is laid back and thing2 is too young to know better. I get asked several times a day to play outside, so I can't wait until the autumn months when the damn things aren't so thick. Not even to mention that the kids SHOULD be able to play outside in the dang summer!
Well I will wind this up. I know you have things to do... and it is 11 PM right now... I am througoughly tired right now. I made waffles and bacon for breakfast, baked chicken for lunch, and we had bar-b-qued pork ribs ( I made the bar-b-que YUMMY) with biscuits and corn for dinner... followed by Gingerbread cake. Not to mention I did several loads of laundry and did the dishes between each meal and the living room needs a bit of tidying before I can really call it a night. Not that I am bragging or anything... it just takes a lot of work to make a house run! So I will post a few pics with this and then I am going to clean up the living room so that I can wake up to a house that looks nice. Love to all. Hope you enjoy the photos.
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