I have wanted to be a mom since I was a child. I was probably one of the only girls in the world who had names picked out for children who hadn't been born yet when I was 13 years old. Those names changed as I got older and more sophisticated. I always wanted four kids. Two boys and two girls. I had day dreams of what life would be like with my babies.
The truth is that being a mother is even better than the dreams that I had when I was a child. To date there is NOTHING in my life that can compare. Becoming a wife is as deeply moving but it is a completely different feeling. There is nothing that can perk me up and fill me with joy like the smile of one of my daughters. There is nothing that incites more tenderness in me than the sweetness of a baby hug from one of my ladies. There is nothing that makes me feel more blessed than the moment when I settle down between my princesses to help them to settle down for sleep. Truly there is NOTHING in this world more amazing than my sweet girls.
Motherhood is not all beautiful moments and gazing lovingly at your child though. It can be dirty and stinky... and it can be frustrating. That newborn smell that everyone talks about... it's there to be sure, but sometimes it is hard to discern between the poopy diapers and the peed on bedding. Those moments of bliss when you are sitting next to your sleeping child thankful to God that you have been trusted with this little soul are punctuated by moments of sheer irritation when you want to pull your hair out. Mommyhood is down and dirty and takes no prisoners. And it certainly isn't for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach.
I keep wondering when it will get easier... only when the aspect that I am frustrated by GETS easier something else gets challenging. One thing is certain: it is NEVER boring. I clean up no fewer than three spills ( of some sort) a day. I have taken some of the strangest things from little mouths and have found some of the weirdest things in diapers. I laugh at least 10 times a day at or with one of my daughters and I smile all the time. There is no end to the cuteness in my house. It just goes on and on. And where one kid leaves off the other takes over. It is amazing.
I am enchanted by both of my princesses. Amazed, Awed, and just enchanted. There is a magic in being a mother that changes you as a person. I am a better person because of my daughters. I strive to be more than I could ever DREAM of being so that I can be the role model that they deserve. I want my girls to know that they can do anything... but I have to show them that too. I cannot just say it and expect that lesson to be learned. It is a strange dichotomy that I have so much to teach them... and yet I have so much to learn from them. My heart is so full sometimes that I am sure that it is going to shatter into a million pieces. It is so wonderful it hurts. I have to remember to let go and let that emotion ebb and flow and remember that no matter how much of that love I let go there is always more where that came from.
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