Tuesday, January 1, 2008

humidifiers, tylenol, and hysterics

Okay so hysterics is probably a strong word. We are however surviving Ashlynn's first cold and it is nasty. It fell the grown adults who suffered through it. My poor mother had two weeks off of work and has spent the entire time sick. My brother hasn't been seen for three days and if he doesn't come out of his room soon we will be sending in a search party. Ashlynn was a sitting duck, although everyone worked actively to insure that she wouldn't get it. My brother Shawn is actively avoiding the entire family, until he is certain that the infestation is over.
On Friday she had me up until 3 AM feeling cruddy and on Sat both her dad and I agreed that we should go to the immediate care clinic right away..... we got there and heard people talking about being there for 31/2 hours and we started to wonder if her cough wasn't starting to sound better. Then someone walked in with a cough that guaranteed that he had the plague and should have been quarantined. We decided that it was maybe not such an emergency after all. We left immediately hoping to ensure our daughter's health. Instead we went home to rough it. Not that with my mom, who handily enough lives right next door, being a pediatrics nurse we were in any real danger of not surviving it. And like any new mother whose infant is sick.... I wanted my mommy!! She and I took Ashlynn to her own doc on Monday. We were in and out in less than an hour and there wasn't a soul in the waiting room except us. Not a bad scenario in my own opinion. The diagnosis... the common cold, the remedy.... time. Well I guess I was expecting that really.... I just wanted to hear it from a trained professional.
So off we were to Target and came home armed with a humidifier, nasal drops, a bulb aspirator that can be cleaned from the bottom ( what a concept!!!), and infant Tylenol drops. Ashlynn has divided her time between the car seat and our arms for sleeping during the day (so that her head is elevated) and for sleeping at night I propped her in the Boppy between Dave and I in the bed.... It works like a charm. Now I know that every advocate for SIDS awareness is gasping audibly with dismay, but it really works. Besides just between you and me she has been sleeping in bed with Dave and I since two nights after she came home from the hospital. For my own protection my legal counsel has insisted on the following disclaimer: The comments made in this writing are in no way advocating that you should put your baby to bed with a pillow and that all instructions for use on the package should be followed for proper use. LOL
Poor Ashlynn was so stuffed up that her eyes were redder than a person with 14 cats who is allergic and watering to the point that we couldn't keep up. The doctor came in and took one look and asked me.... " What have you been DOING to this poor child?" When I protested in my own defense that my mother was at fault having brought the cold home.... he told me " No, no it is never the Grandmother's fault. It is always the mother's fault..... Grandparents like grandchildren are perfect." I do have to admit that she looked like she had been walloped in both eyes. She is looking much better now. As Doc was telling me that I was looking forward to a fussy baby for 7-14 days the baby in question started talking to him and cooing at him. Doc looked at her and told her to knock it off that it was proving him a liar. Through all of this we have only had one fussy night and she still is smiling and cooing like a champ. I am the luckiest mom in the world!
if there is one plus in all of this.... her little face is starting to clear up. Now though the eczema is all around the top of her head and on her little hands and elbows. Through the entire pregnancy I was praying that she would get her dad's skin not mine. Well I just found out today from his mom that the Boke side of the family has some of the same issues..... She was doomed. Ah well. Even with the little rash she is beautiful. It truly freaks me out though when it gets all yellow and scaly. Even though I have read up on the condition and know that it is a natural part of the progression. What scares me is that with some babies there is never a clear cut cause found out..... That is NOT what I wanted to hear. We are buying stock in Vanicreme and a balm that Johnson&Johnson puts out for dry and chapped skin in their soothing naturals line. Ashlynn loves it.... she smiles when you put it on her. I think that she knows that it is going to make her feel better. It has a perfume to it so I was worried at first, but it doesn't seem to cause her more problems than she already has and she likes the smell. She smiles before we touch it to her face.
All in all I think we all have survived her first illness well. She is now at the point where she is sleeping all day and wakes up just to eat.... its like the first couple of weeks all over again : ) I am having to pump and bottle feed so that she can breathe, but over all I would say that we have weathered the storm nicely and are starting to get back to somewhat normal....

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