Hey everyone I wanted to take a

minute to introduce you to our dog Abby if you haven't already met her. She is a good dog who at times lights up the dark with her personality and at times exasperates us with her behavior. We wouldn't trade her. For those of you who don't know she was a rescue and was treated EXTREMELY poorly by the people who had her before us. Though we cannot be sure her injuries lead the vet to believe that she may have been used as a bait dog for a local fighting ring. She is missing her right eye and part of her tail. She is also covered in scars though they are better now than when we first got her. When we first got her the scars were still missing the hair on and around them so they were much more visible. In the first week we had her we put eight lbs on her ( documented by her vet) and then in the two weeks after that we put an additional 12 on her.
We went to the animal shelter in search of a dog that they had advertised that only had three legs. Dave and I discussed it and were sure that no one would adopt her and we wanted to give her a chance. Besides the dogs that the animal shelter feature are the ones closest to no longer having a chance. When we got to the s

helter we were shocked to find out that the feature they had ran had brought in more people than any other feature before and the three legged chow-chow had been adopted and literally hundreds of people had been in to look at her over the course of a week. We decided that we would look over the dogs anyways... because saving a life is saving a life. We looked over all of the dogs... both of us finding all of them to be dogs well worth saving. We even took the time to try to get to know a few. There was a pit bull boy named Happy that caught my eye and a girl named Cinderella that caught Dave's. But during our meet and greet with those two dogs they both were more interested in the other dogs in the cages and when we got them back to the visiting room were only looking to go back. We were about to leave when Dave said well there was one other that caught my eye. I looked at him and I said one for me too... He said which one... I said the really really skinny one ... and he finished on the end with only one eye? Yeah I said... that was the one I was looking at too. So we did a meet and greet with her... and low and behold that dog spent the entire meet and greet actually visiting with us. She was so excited to be with us and she climbed up into Dave's lap right away. She never even went back into the cag

e. She was ours from that second on.
Abigail has blessed our house. She keeps us safe ( even if it is sometimes only from chipmunks and squirrels) and she loves us all dearly. She is a second mother to our child and has often times stepped in to be the landing pad of a toddler who far too often isn't looking where she is going. She graciously deals with her ears being pulled and her one good eye being poked at. She has NEVER shown ANY aggression of any sort and has not even nipped during instances when I haven't gotten there in time and it seems you could justify it. She has been tripped over, fallen on, used to pull up on and stepped on. She has been a teether and has quietly sat as Ash has tried to dress her. The dog is a saint to those in our household and extended house hold. She has truly won the hearts of my family with her sweet nature. And yet this dog has also let us know when a friend was not a friend and as torn out of the house in the direction of a threatening sound in the middle of the night ready to tear an intruder limb from limb. While she greets us with a wag and a smile she will greet people she doesn't know with a far less friendly stance. And that is okay with us. She has stepped between myself and a strange dog... she has done the same with Ashlynn. She will bo

und over to play with my parents dog with nothing but fun in her heart. She is one in a million. And we count the day that we picked her up from the animal shelter among our luckiest.
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