So Taryn Anne. Taryn is a combination o

So we had an ultrasound today and I got a look at our little Taryn. She is a very big girl. She is already 7 lbs 8 ounces and with three weeks left to cook we are looking at a little big girl who is over 9 lbs. She is in the 80th percentile for growth and is measuring more like a 38.5 week baby. A fact that I could have told any one if they wanted to know... this kid is HUGE inside me. I have lost the mucus plug and I contracted 4 times in the 20 minute Non -Stress Test... so basically we are just waiting for her to make her appearance. The doc said that they would closely monitor my blood pressure and the baby's well being and if there was any indication we needed to we would go early. And of course if the baby goes for it and we go into labor we will go early. I think it is starting to be apparent that this pregnancy is wearing me out. But if nothing indicates a need and baby Taryn is patient we will be having this child on the 14th of July, and that will be a good day indeed. Especially if the baby is measuring like 42 weeks or so. We shall see. Both Dave and I are anxious for the party to get started and life to maybe flatten o

Dave will be taking two weeks off from the date that the baby is born. In a way we wish it could be three as I will be released 3-4 days after the baby is born and will have at least two weeks of down time and he will only be home then for about a week of that. The other side of that coin is that he doesn't get any paid leave time of any sort... so we are not really looking forward to the weeks that will come when there is no paycheck of any sort. But needs must and while two days off was plenty when Ash was born and was a tiny little baby.... two days won't hack it when we have a toddler who needs Daddy while Mommy is away and then needs care while mommy is incapacitated. There is a part of me that really wishes that they would allow me to try VBAC! But they made it clear that I am not a candidate for several reasons. And even if I were with a baby that is getting so big they would probably be talking C-section now anyways.
So the wait is still on. One day at a time... and these days are HOT HOT HOT! I am not sure that any of you will see me outside of the house until the baby is born at this rate. Unless someone has a pool that I can lounge in and then your on!
Stay cool and we will keep you all updated.
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