Yesterday we had one of our twice weekly appointments for the doc. Not terribly exciting except that I once again was contracting during the NST test. The determination of whether I was going home or to the hospital for a little bit was the status of my cervix. Which is shortening but is not yet to the point of nearly gone. The baby is however engaged, which means she is where she needs to be to be born. So who knows.
Last night I ended up calling Dave to come home early from work after contracting for three hours. Which he very graciously did... and he sat with

me for another hour and a half while I continued to contract.... and then *POOF* the contractions disappeared. False labor. Didn't have a single episode of that with Ash. As a matter of fact had very few contractions other than the braxton hicks annoying ones. Last night was serious consideration of a trip to the hospital time. So the $100 question is : Will this child wait until July to be born? Considering that I am using two different medications to keep the uterus quiet and last week is the last week for both of them it is a valid question indeed. Today Dave and I went to Wal-Mart to pick up way too many prescriptions and a few things that we need around the house and I had two contractions in the 45 minutes that we were there. I got my shot yesterday... and I am now taking Procardia every four hours instead of every six. That isn't to say that I shouldn't be having this type of irritation of the uterus... it is completely natural. Any body want to take up a delivery date pool.... We may have the C-section scheduled... but Ainne seems like she may be a little bit impatient to see the world. My niece Ry was... She was nearly six weeks early....( which any one doing the math may notice is exactly where I am) and she was born the day after Ainne's due date.

By the way... as is the right of parents to be up until the baby is born.... Dave requested a name change for our little one. He is not fond or Roisin, and no matter how much I may like the name or the meaning I cannot force the issue when it comes to something as important as the name of his daughter. He wanted to look over other options. My mother suggested that we revisit the girl's name we had chosen for our son Aidan had he been a girl. Dave's eyes lit up when I said it. Taryn. He has always liked the name. So in the interest of ensuring that both parents are equally happy with the name of our child she will be either Ainne Taryn or Taryn Ainne.... we haven't fully decided the order... and if you have a strong feeling in one direction or the other please let us know. Because both of us like both options equally and we have both shrugged and said " which ever." That means that left up to us the final decision may be made by the individual who files for her birth certificate, as we are both people pleasers and tend to avoid making choices such as that. If we go with Ainne as the first name we have then named all of our children with and A name.... not on purpose mind you

because if Aislynn had been a boy she would have been Liam if Aidan had been a girl he would have been Taryn... and if Ashlynn had been a boy we were thinking again of using Liam.... if this one had been a boy she would have been Rylan. ( Note we both love this name so much it hurts me to type it and realize that I am offering up a potential option to others and I will not be able to use it. *Sigh*) (Note to note... if this one surprises us and is a boy he will still be Rylan so all of you looking with interest at this name are not allowed to steal it until said baby has made her appearance and put all questions to rest.) At any rate as you can see... the only reason we have all A names is because of how the gender of said children fell. We seriously would have had a different outcome with names if the children had been of different gender. However at this late date with what has come to look like somewhat of a purposeful trend ( whether by intent or by accident) it seems like naming our youngest (because make no mistake this WILL be our last child I have already signed the papers!!! {even if I am a little sad that I will not have a boy to raise. I'm just not that sad!}) Taryn instead of Ainne takes away a symmetry that we have going. Granted you throw the names Codie and Keagan into the mix and it changes everything... but I had nothing to do with naming either of them... and Dave had noth

ing to do with naming Keagan. So that kind of takes those names out of the realm of OUR names if you get my meaning. Still I am open to naming the child Taryn... because I have always disliked cutesy naming. You know what I mean rhyming names or all of them starting with the same first letter... etc. Not to mention Ashlynn and soon to be newest member are the only LIVING children that we have so it changes things a little. And before I go too much further let me say that YES I know I am obsessing about something that is really stupid... but I have hormones racing through my blood right now that had me laughing and then sobbing this morning with in a five second time frame. NOT to mention I have a beachball stomache sitting on my lap and it looks like I am reduced to going for car rides and not even walking through a store for a couple of weeks here. ( This is Dave's edict as he was not too impressed by my having contractions in the middle of Wal-Mart... and though he wants the baby to come... he wants to wait until we are a little further along and that much closer to term!) So yes this disorganized litany about names is for right now about what I have when my daughter is sleeping.... unless you count facebook... and we really probably shouldn't even talk about my addiction to that. I have fo

und literally HUNDREDS of friends and even long lost family on there. It is AWESOME. Not to mention there are games I can play that I just love. Long story, well I was going to say short, but lets be serious this is totally not short.... um I think I lost track of what I was going to say... oh wait that's right long story sort of long, I am going just a teeny bit stir crazy! I can't even take my daughter outside anymore. ( Yes I broke that rule over the weekend but DANG I guess thats just how I roll!)
Alright I apologize if you have made it this far and are wondering what has happened to rational me.... She will check back in later may be a while though. So I am going to add photos of the child that I have right now and hope that is sufficient reward for having to put up with seriously crazy ole me!
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