Okay so Ashlynn has been back to the doc and did indeed have the influenza... and guess what??? I got it too! Isn't that exciting... NOT! 101 degree temp and zero energy a cough that won't quit my chest feeling like it has been kicked by a horse.... need I go on. I could but I won't who wants to be bored by all of that. And then on top of all that my little tornado has fallen ill. Today we had temps of 101 and she is SO uncomfortable. My poor little pumpkin. But the flu is a virus and like all viruses we have to ride it out and offer comfort care. Let me tell you comfort care SUCKS because all you want at a certain point is to feel better. I was lon

ging for bedtime minutes after I got up the last couple of days..... and while I feel awful for my little girls I will mention that at least they can go to bed and take a nap when they want to. I will say though that I am grateful for the timing. I got sick in between the girls so I was able to be up and able to take care of Ash and while still recovering myself able to be up and able to take care of Taryn too. If either one of them had gotten sick on Wednesday I am not sure that I could have cared for them very well, and whats worse I am not sure that I would have cared at a certain point. I know that makes me sound like a terrible mother... but that is the truth and a measure of how bad I felt. Dave is recovered from his ear infection... and we are hoping that he will be free of this damn awful stuff.
Needless to say there has not been much excitement in our house lately. However T is getting doggone close to being able to sit unsupported for short times. Right now she does the tripod sit, where she sits and leans on her hands in between her legs and plays with a toy. She is a cutie and a half. Ash has been put on an allerg

y medicine that she takes once a day to prevent the wheezing that is caused by allergies and which can start an asthma attack. It seems to be helping actually. The doc asked about how frequently she gets colds, and determined that we are actually looking at allergies more often than not. So we are hoping that this new allergy med combined with the antihistamine that she takes each night will keep her healthier this fall and next spring. Keep your fingers crossed. Right now she is using an inhaler to help her through the coughing of the flu and we will determine once she is well if it is something she needs regularly. I am hoping not. But if she needs it I would rather have her be comfortable.
WE GOT OUR CAR FIXED!Yes you read that right! After nearly a full month we were able to get the doggone car fixed. Thank you

FATHER! I was half convinced that the cold rides on the bike were what caused Dave's ear infection. And while I am intelligent enough to know that is not the case, I am willing to bet that those rides didn't HELP that ear infection. He had to miss three days of work last week because of it. Kind of difficult to build pallets when your dizzy as hell. So we are very very grateful that we were able to save enough to fix the car.
On a sad note the young lady I was telling you all about Miss Sydney Ives passed on Saturday. Her life was a good one and her family is celebrating the life that she had. They are so very very strong in their faith which has carried them through this ordeal. Sydney is now in peace! Her spirit will live in peace from this day forward. And indeed that is the theme of the service that they had today. At grave side they released teal balloons, so if you see a teal balloon think of Syd. Please keep her family in your prayers and thoughts.
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