Our little Ash is sick sick sick right now.. so is Daddy. Dave has an ear infection that is really messing with his equilibrium and his hearing. The doc was amazed that he wasn't in there a long time ago. Ash has been sick for weeks. This lingering cough from the virus that we all got a couple of weeks ago. She had a chest X

-ray yesterday ( let me tell you that is a study in torture for someone so little). It didn't have any Pneumonia in it. But the doc said that it was stranded. I have NO idea what that means but it is apparently something we didn't have to worry too much about. They would have given her the Z-pack had she not been allergic to it. So instead they sent us home to ride it out. She has had a temp hovering around 102 most of the day and in order to get it down we were doing tepid baths and cold wash cloths. Dave and my parents went to the grocery store to get anything and everything she might eat. I guess in a way I am grateful that Dave was home from work with and ear infection today because Ash was a full time job and Taryn still wanted attention. Not to mention all Ash would do at a certain point was lay in my lap and cry. I believe that she has the flu... b

ut we don't have a culture that will confirm that because when we were at the docs office yesterday her temp wasn't high enough for the doc to think that it was the flu.... it is now though. So we are riding it out and watching her very very carefully. That asthma that they kept warning us might come due to her having eczema and hay fever has shown its self a little bit with this cold and we have an inhaler that we use for her periodically. I am sure that it will go away when she is feeling better.... that is my hope at any rate.
Taryn was sick last week but seems better now. We are hoping that she will be somewhat protected by the nursing. Breast milk

has a TON of white blood cells in it and serves as a protectant from a lot of these aspirated viruses. So keep those fingers crossed for us. She is SOOOOO much fun right now. She is smiling and laughing ( you know those big belly laughs that make you laugh with her) She is grabbing things with those little hands. Did I mention she is SOOOOOO much fun. I tickle her with every diaper change and she has gotten to the point that she laughs and giggles when I lay her down for a diaper change. I am madly madly crazy in love with my newest daughter. I worried all through my pregnancy with her about whether I could love two. I didn't want to take anything away from Ash. I didn't think I could love another child as much as I love Ash and that worried me for the new baby. But the amazing thing is that when that second child your heart jus

t gets bigger and the love is there. I ADORE my little Taryn the tornado. She is vastly different from her sister but that just makes her all the more precious. While I adore my Ashlynn bear.. I don't need a carbon of her I have her. So I like the differences.... well most times. Taryn's temper is a little more vocal and at times I wish that she were a little more laid back but then she wouldn't be my little tornado would she.
I have a few videos that I will attach. The one of Taryn is very dark. But I want to share it because of the laughs, I just wish that you could hear them. Some day soon perhaps.
On a sad note the young lady wh

o had me crying last time I wrote, Sydney is home with hospice care and is literally as I write in her final hours. She is only 11 and will be going home to the Father. My heart and prayers go out to the Ives family. I don't understand why someone so young must go, but I know that it is what she wants at this point. She has asked that we all pray that if she can't be healed here on earth that God take her now so that she CAN be healed. It breaks her mother Tasha's heart but that is what she has asked us all to pray for. The last update that I got said that Syd's breathing is labored and she is never conscious for more than a few minutes. So I guess I ask that all of you keep this family in your prayers.
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