I found a little bit of time two days in a row.... I wanted to take the time to blog so that I can document it. I don't think I will have long so if I leave off mid-sentence then you

know for sure one of the girls woke up. It is a Thursday and a rather mundane day in our household.... but it was a day where we were all able to take a few minutes and play together. It was a day when I could hear Dave reading to Ash as I was putting T down for a nap. A day when daddy had stopped at the store and gotten Ash a surprise on his way home last night so she was given it in the morning. It was a day where we just enjoyed being a family. Now the girls are napping and Dave is off to work and I am sitting her blogging with you while I smell the candle that Dave got me last night on the way home from work. It is the little things that make a life worth living. Those things that make you stop and say " THIS IS THE BEST FAMILY EVER!!!!" We are rich in our household. Yeah okay so we are poor financially and there is a struggle on the best of weeks... but that isn't really how we measure our lives here. Instead we are measuring by the laughs that we share in a day. We fill up our souls and then we just keep laughing. It starts with a smile and it grows into something bigger. THAT is how we measure our lives here. And if we get even one laugh a day we are okay... but on days like t

oday when we laugh all day long gold coins are falling from heaven.
There have been some sacrifices that have been made. Just ask my living room floor. I haven't cleaned it since this morning so it is a mess. Ash is so very helpful when it comes to laying out her toys so that we can see everything that she has. It is actually a boon to us as we approach this holiday season because we are constantly aware of what she has and what she needs. :) I asked Dave on Sunday if he thought that I would be this much of a slob with another man or if he would be this much of a slob with another woman, or if this is a result of the two of us rubbing off on each other. He laughed at me and said in a moment of blunt honesty. " Sweetheart, I have always been this way. I am simply living up to past potential. Its you that has crossed over to

the dark side!" I thought on that and then had to laugh with him... because he was right. Before my children were born I was the one that cleaned the house. When I was working he always had a job that had him home a day during the week and working a day on the weekend. I would take that day and I would clean our house. Every two weeks when we had a day that the boys weren't over I would bleach the kitchen and the bathroom and while I was cleaning the house top to bottom I was also getting laundry done running in and out to go to the laundromat. But with the introduction of full time kids.... my rhythm got thrown off. I figured out how to pick that rhythm up when Ash was 4 or

5 months old... but it meant that I was in perpetual motion from the time I got up until I went to bed... and then she got the hang of walking and it got thrown off again. THEN I got pregnant.... and of course had a down time where the house fell apart again ( it always does when I am pregnant) So here I am again trying to figure out the rhythm... the thing is that now having two kids I am a little bogged down with kids a lot of the time.... so things don't get done. I have let the house go and I don't know exactly how to get it back into shape. I took all those books seriously when they said not to worry about the house you have a newborn. So we are all getting a used to a house that is ummmm less than ummmm well tidy.
There are other sacrifices..

. You know little things like personal time for mom. Which is why I am blogging instead of cleaning... because YES I have a minute but NO I am not cleaning... because I am taking a minute to keep myself sane, because if I don't then I will have a clean house and no one in it will be happy. You see I have an untidy house... but we are all happy in it. Except when the house has gotten to maximum density and then we all pitch in to clean it. I shouldn't even be writing this... I am a stay at home mom how the hell does any one keep a house when they have to work. But then a friend of mine who works told me that it is actually easier when you work, because the kids mess up someone else's house and you only have to worry about the weekends. HMMMM there might be someth

ing to it. Because Ash is a master at cleaning out her toy box in record time. Not to mention the best place for her books seems to be the floor so she know what she has. I'm not worried about it I look at it this way in a few months I will have number two walking too, then I am really in for it. So I am going to enjoy it while I can. :)
But my time is over! My princesses

have awoken and so it is time for me to go read stories and watch Beauty and the BEast for the millionth time. Hey when I get over the guilt it is a great job to have playing with my kids all day long.
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