Yes I am sorry this post should have been posted on Thursday I suppose. But I was a bit busy on Thursday... you see I hosted my first Thanksgiving. Various other plans fell through and my parents always have theirs on Sunday... so when I was talking about what to do my mom suggested that I make Thanksgiving dinner. At first she suggested it for our little family pointing out that I DO have a family of my own now to celebrate these types of holidays. Then when I realized that she and my father would be doing nothing for the actual holiday it was decided that I would do the feast and we would eat it at their house. (Our house is not big enough and we do not have a table that we can eat around {something I would like to recitfy.})
I was a little nervous as this is the first time that I was in charge of the entire meal. I have made turkeys before and I have done every part of a feast as a dish to pass in the past...but I have never been responsible for the entire feast. Timing and what have you has to be perfect to make a meal a meal and not just a series of dishes that get done when the get done.
It turned out wonderful... albeit a little late. We had planned on eating at one... and we didn't sit down until nearly four, because despite following the cooking times I found on several recipes and the bird its self it took a lot longer for that stupid little popper to pop up. Like nearly two hours longer... and then no sooner did that dad-blamed bird get done then my oldest daughter ( who had been having a hell of a break down) drifted off into dream land! It was not good timing to say the least.... but the directions on the bird said to wait at least a half an hour before carving the turkey so that is what we did.... allowing her a short nap... but better than nothing at all!
When we did finally sit down to dinner we had turkey, dressing, mashed sweet potatoes and marshmallow salad to eat.... and it stuffed us all like the poor bird. We had to then wait until 6:30 or so to eat pie because there just wasn't enough room for it. So all of the adults went into the living room and fell asleep (with the exception of myself) and Taryn crashed out too... Ash and I played and colored and looked at black Friday Ads until every one else was up and ready to have some pie.
We found out that Ashlynn really likes turkey and she picked all the black olives and mushrooms out of the stuffing and left the rest, she also picked all of the cherries and fruit cocktail out of the marshmallow salad and left the marshmallows. Later we found out that she REALLY likes Lemon Meringue Pie, and apple pie.
By seven our oldest was TIRED. and I do mean that with capital letters. So we brought her and her sister home and they were both out like lights by eight thirty at night. A little earlier than usual, but it was a big day. Seems like it passed in a blur... but that is mainly because I was at a stove for a good portion of it. It was Taryn's first Thanksgiving.... though it wasn't all that big of a deal she didn't get any of it. Instead she watched with an eagle eye as all of us stuffed ourselves... I don't think this no solid food thing will fly for long.
It is Ashlynn's third Thanksgiving... but she was REALLY little for her first ( three weeks ) and last year she was pretty sick with the flu!
As I said in the beginning it is the first one that I hosted.... I kind of thought that a picture should have been taken to commemorate such and event.... but I didn't think about that until WAY too late. Oh well it isn't the turkey you all want to look at anyways... and for the record I also didn't get any pictures of MY little turkeys from that day... but I have lots of older ones that I can share with you... so sit back and enjoy.
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