We had a large group of family over to my parents house on Sunday. It was an amazing day! My aunt and uncle and a million cousins with their spouses all came to my parents house for a Thanksgiving dinner. We had so much fun. My cousin Jon brought his daughter who is 8 months and she and Taryn got a chance to get to know each other. Evelyn promptly clocked Taryn in the face with a block. Taryn who has taken some serious blows from her sister with out even flinching... cried like she had a part of her body cut off. Go figure. Dave's theory is that it was because she saw who did it. I had to tell every one repeatedly that NO she wasn't terribly hurt it was her pissed off cry.
It was wonderful thou

gh for my girls to get a chance to meet the extended family. All of my cousins who are her first cousins once removed and Evelyn who is their second cousin. Not that we were all that formal about it. Like Jon said... family is family and there isn't a reason to add in all the formal names. We are all cousins. I like that and I am glad to have the opportunity to have the girls get to know some people who I hold incredibly dear. Indeed some of my favorite people in the world.
Dave and I had our fourth wedding anniversary on Tuesday. We will be going out to celebrate on Saturday. Gran and Gramps will keep Ashlynn over night. Taryn will have to come with us... but that is okay. It is a combination of bot

h mine and Taryn's faults that she will be there. Mine because I haven't pumped any milk... and Taryn's because she turns into evil child who won't shut up a few minutes after I leave. The last time I left her with my mother T bear deafened her in one ear... okay that may be a bit of an exaggeration... but not much of one. T is a handful and mommy is sometimes the only one that can get through the pissed off crying. And make no mistake it is usually pissed off crying. She is a pistol. Her temper tantrums at 5 months are harder to muddle through than Ashlynn's at 2 years. Go figure.
They both have hit a few milestones in the last week. Ashlynn finally went potty in the toilet. ( she did once before a month ago b

ut that was more of an accident) She kept looking at me real worried and saying that she was leaking. How fricken cute is THAT! Taryn has started reaching for things that she wants like mommy, toys, mommy, teether, mommy, pacifier... oh and did I mention mommy. She is a bit of a velcro girl but we are all good. She has also moved into the walker. She scoots herself around backward right now... but Ash did the same thing when she first started. It will sort itsself out soon enough.
Well my husband just walked in the door... and being as we so seldom get time alone I am signing off. I will post a few pics that my cousin Ben took on Sunday and forwarded to me.... I think that he got the best one of Ash I have ever seen!!! So enjoy.
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