Yes I am blogging on Christmas... the girls have opened all of their presents and Taryn is sleeping and I am blogging and cooking sausage while Daddy tries to get Ashlynn to go to sleep. Last night was great fun... Daddy got home from work at 6:30 which was a treat in and of itself.. then after Dinner Ash and I checked on NORAD to see where Santa was exactly. We then determined that we had enough time to bake cookies... so we baked cookies which Ashlynn set out with a Christmas card that she had mad herself for Santa. She went to bed and then "Santa" kicked into gear. Dave put together a little scooter trike ( like a big wheel only the front wheel isn't big) and I wrapped presents and filled stockings.
This morning Ashlynn remembered what we had done to prepare for Santa and was kicked into high gear the second that she woke up. She had a ton of fun opening presents. What follows is a hodge-podge of photos taken before after and during. There is one of Taryn throwing a fit because I took the wrapping paper away... she is at the age where the paper was FAR more important than the gifts inside. Here is the Haynie family Christmas in photos.... so that you too may be a part of it.
We will be going to my parents house tonight for prime rib cooked by my multi-talented wonderful husband... and more gifts. We adults will be waiting until my brother comes home to be a part of it... but the girls are going to open all of theirs. Hopefully we won't be Christmassed out and have a tough night tonight. More pictures will follow in coming days. By the way..... I may have finished the twelve blessings of Christmas... but the people in these pictures need another mention. This is the best Christmas ever. I haven't opened a single "present" and yet I have received so many gifts. And if you are reading this post than you are most likely counted pretty highly on my list of blessings.......... God is Great, Life is Good, I am loved and love so many!!!!!!!! This is what Christmas is about!!!!!!
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