Thursday, December 24, 2009

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas

This last blessing is one that is dear to my heart: the ability to nurse my children. I guess the last blessing in my list is my breasts and the job that they do for me. I would have taken a photo of Taryn nursing to share with you but this video says it with far more dignity than I could ever. It is a collage that a friend of mine put together for her own blog... of religious art showing the Virgin mother nursing her baby Jesus. YES I do feel this strongly about nursing. I feel that it is a gift from God that I can give to my children. I believe that THIS is how nature intended for our children to eat and I feel very strongly about the sanctity of the relationship between mother and nursling. I feel blessed when I sit with my daughter and she nuzzles into my breast and then latches onto me to fulfill her need for nourishment. But it is more than just nourishment it is also nurturing that I believe every child needs. We as humans come from the womb the LEAST developed of all of the mammals and the rest of our development shapes who we are as people. The mother who puts her child to her breast and wraps her arms around that child to protect and support that child, is the most important being on the earth to that child. I am so very grateful to have been born woman so that I can experience the quickening of my child within me and the peace of my child at my breast. I am so blessed to have experienced these things. It has changed me I think for the better. It certainly has helped me to be a better mother.

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