I don't know what it is about this day. It is a tough one to weather sometimes. A the pretty packages have been opened and the tree looks bare... no more need for Christmas carols... and you move on with a tinge of sadness that it is all over. Ash spent the night at Gramps and Granny's house with her cousin Ariah... Dave still hasn't gotten out of bed and Taryn has been and is now napping. I have been up now for nearly three hours so there is no point in me crawling back into bed and trying to go back to sleep. Though if anyone should get a chance to sleep in it is ME. I have a cold and I haven't slept in since last year sometime. But Dave seems to get the corner on sleeping in... although it is tough to call it sleeping in because he ALWAYS does it..... do I sound bitter... I guess that I am feeling that way a little. I haven't eaten yet ( aside from the cookies that I keep snitching) and that can have an effect on a diabetics mood. Besides it is snowing after two days of ice and a day of pouring rain...( our weather is RETARDED around here right now) and that can have an effect on a human beings mood.
Funny as a kid I never really thought about the clean-up of Christmas. I should be picking up all of the toys that have somehow exploded across our living room... or doing the dishes that didn't get done yesterday... but instead I am writing a blog that probably isn't fit to read. ( and coughing my head off... stupid cold) In a few hours though our house will be filled again with the endless sounds of Ashlynn playing and Taryn practicing talking and all will be well again. I guess I didn't know how MUCH I miss Ashlynn when she isn't here tearing the house apart.
Last night sitting in the big recliner that my mom got for Christmas rocking Taryn to sleep and listening to Ashlynn and Ariah play with their new toys, my belly full of prime rib and mashed sweet potatoes talking with my family was easily one of the BEST moments I have ever had in my life. So I am going to hold on to that... by posting a few pics of the girls opening presents over there. Merry day after Christmas to all of you. I hope that you are spending it in a way that is enjoyable to you.
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