Thursday, July 29, 2010

Alright it has been a bit and I am sorry. This has been the thing that has had to go by the wayside though... because you see both of my daughters decided to hit HUGE milestones at the same time. T-bear can now walk across the floor by herself... albeit not very steadily but that doesn't stop her. She is into everything that she can reach and has started climbing to get to what she can't reach. And A has decided to potty train. She has been doing SO very well... as a matter of fact it has been a full week since she had a number two accident and I can't remember the last time that she wet other than in her potty. It has amazed me how quickly this happened. But we had a seriously sore rear caused by a stomach bug that meant business and so it happened quickly as I wouldn't put a diaper on her for a day and a half. At first she was really not cool with it and would be naked all day and then ask for a diaper when she needed to go potty. That helped me to realize that the kid had control so I just had to work on convincing her that the potty was the better place to go potty... and that wasn't so hard when we started rewarding her with stickers and a sucker for using the potty. I'm not proud I bribe... for some things.
At any rate this all started as my excuse for not posting in a long time. As I said I am very sorry, and I do realize that this is the only way that some people get updates on our little bears. It just seems that my time gets totally out of control sometimes. You really would wonder why being as my house is NEVER spotless... but my kids do usually get a home cooked meal and my husband gets a home made lunch. My kids though do need to be outside and play and they aren't at an age where I can let them just go out by themselves. It is quite ridiculous really... I can't imagine what life would be like if I had to work on top of it all.... that would drive me mad. A friend of mine who works said that she thinks that it is actually easier for her to keep her house clean than it is for me because while she is working her kids are in daycare and they destroy that house instead of hers.... I guess that makes sense. And I also am not the mom who follows along behind my kids picking up as they are taking it out. Nope I am more the mom who is helping them to pull it out. I play with my kids a ton. We have fun... so maybe there is a give and a take... though I will try to get better about it all.
Right now my baby bear is sleeping while my little bear is watching a little bit of "raccoons" which we figured out the other day means cartoons. It is HYSTERICAL how a kid will use a recognizable word for a word they don't quite get. The other day we were in the car and a Carrie Underwood song came on. A asked who was singing and I told her... only to hear from the back " Mommy I like Carrie Underwear. " I ask you CAN it get cuter....because my gut reaction is to say nope the cuteness meter has been broken in this house.
T-bear turned one last month. My baby is now one year old. HOLY COW where does that time go. We ended up having just a little party at the local McDs with my parents and my brothers. I was trying to get something bigger put together but I was supposed to have surgery the week before ( it got postponed) and we were having trouble fitting it all in. So the week before we all realized that if we didn't do it ON her birthday a good number of people wouldn't be able to be there for it until late AUGUST. That just seemed silly. So we all discussed it on Father's Day and came up with the impromptu party. It wasn't big... but it was really nice having it somewhere that we didn't have a huge clean-up after. Which is a step up from A's last birthday where we had to cancel because she got so sick... and then we never actually rescheduled. Poor kid never did get a 2nd birthday party.
I do post a lot of pictures on my facebook page. So if ever you want to see recent pics of the girls and I haven't gotten to this in a bit... check there. That seems to be what eats up my computer time lately. I have gotten slightly addicted. It is so incredibly cool though because I have reconnected with old friends and made a whole slew of friends who have a lot in common with me. I have an entire network of stay at home mom friends who I have hooked up with. It is truly a wonderful tool for me. That is what I do at night when the girls have gone to bed. I talk with other mothers ( who have also just put their kids down) and we post articles and links for each other. It really is a great way to connect with others.
Alright I don't have any recent photos that I can share.. I am at Dave's computer as my daughter is on mine. I will try and post some photos in the next few days.