Thursday, February 14, 2008

Fool-proof antidepressant

This is it.... Once and for all depression can be abolished. I should have known all along. So simple, so easy. The most affordable cure that you will ever come across. Don't let the price deter you: this isn't a back woods home remedy that will do more harm than good... though it certainly can be used in the back woods too.

I have found that even if you have slipped and have started down the path to a bad day that this remedy will cure what ails you... if you let it. Why wait until you are already having a bad day though... start the day out right with this fast and easy cure.

Side effects are minimal. Some test subjects claimed that it caused an almost giddy happiness. There also seems to have been an almost impossible need to share this curative. There also seems to be some degree of addiction involved. However as there are no real drawbacks to the addiction it is not considered to be a dangerous problem.

What you ask can this new drug be and how do you get your hands on it? How much does a miracle like this cost in this day and age? It is free! That's right free! And the best part is that it is at your disposal, no it is easily with in your reach. We all have access to it!!!

Now you can barely contain yourself, the curiosity has you antsy. What could it be, you have this common place thing. It really can make you feel better. I promise that it will, or your money will be refunded. ( Gotcha)

All it is simply put is a smile. Something so simple so easy. I promise you that it will work. I have the best smiler in 100,000 miles and I am willing to share. Please see above for a free sample. If these pictures don't make you smile then you are hopeless. ( although for the record I don't believe that anyone is hopeless. : )

Enjoy! Pass it on... One smile from you can make another person's day... and when it has it will make your day! I Promise.

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