Monday, May 19, 2008

Are we having fun yet?

So here we are a few weeks into my quest for how to have fun and I thought that it might be time to look at the progress.
Firstly let me say that I have the best husband in the entire world hands down. He has been home so much more lately. It has been wonderful to spend time as a family. He has worked diligently to ensure that I get help and that I have a small amount of free time. We are still working on perfecting it... but he has been wonderful.
I haven't really found any new way to go out and have fun. As a matter of fact most of my attempts have been a bust. For an example of what I mean.... I got really sick the last time that we went out to eat.... and yet I so enjoy doing that. I get so tired of cooking. Still it is becoming clear that eating out is more about chain restaurants and less about good food. So we are going to have to compromise... he is going to cook more. We started that this weekend. He cooked on Sat and I played with the baby while he did so... it was really nice.
The other thing that we did this weekend was have a movie weekend. This is something that we have always done. We load up on treats and we sit and watch one movie after another, while snuggled together on the couch. This particular pass time fell out of favor for a while at first while I was pregnant and couldn't load up on snacks or stay awake past 9 PM, then when the baby was new and I couldn't sit in one spot for longer than 15 minutes with out falling asleep. With her a little older we could enjoyably watch a movie ( Although while she was awake I am not sure how much of the movie either of us saw : ) We stayed up until 1 AM on Friday and liked it so much that we did it all over again and stayed up until 2 AM on Sat. ( Dave and I not the baby) Granted it was a little hard to drag my tail out of bed with her at 6 both days but well worth it in the end I think. We both pooped out at 11:30 last night and she slept until 8:00 this morning. Go Figure!
Over all I think that we are having more fun as a couple the two of us. And while I still sometimes feel desperate for a little bit of me time... it is easier to deal with if it is the three of us together rather than me and the baby watching him leave. I also started to work on organizing our house a little better this weekend. Not an easy task. We live in like 1/2 an apartment our house is so small and we have a lot of stuff to try and cram into it. The hope is that maybe with a little more organization we will feel better in the home that we have. I didn't get nearly as far as I wanted to, but I will keep working towards the goal of having a nicely organized home and maybe I will get there before my daughter is old enough to move out.
We are taking the steps to build a solid family foundation. It is still imperfect but as long as we are taking the steps together and working toward the same goal we are working in the right direction. There are a few unshakable truths: I love my husband, I adore my daughter, and it ain't always easy. I can understand why some marriages don't survive having children. I can see why it tears couples apart... but I can also see why it can cement a relationship and draw a couple closer together. The work of being mommy and wife is the hardest work I have EVER done in my life.... but it is also the most rewarding. So whilst I am still trying to juggle me and A and Dave and well life in general I am also trying to remember every day that I have been blessed many times over. But my angel is singing my song and I have to go make raspberries on a belly....

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