Sunday, February 8, 2009

Okay so I am bad.... very very bad. It has been so long since I last wrote anything for you guys that I am sure that most of you have stopped checking. I apologize profusely. I would love to be able to give you some really great excuse as to why I haven't done this in a FULL MONTH. But the truth is that the only excuse I have is motherhood. And while it is a good one.... it really only covers about half of the issue. You see it is EXTREMELY difficult to type when my daughter wants to be on my lap constantly. However she does sleep every now and then... although this last week she has been teething yet again and sleep has been elusive and that causes a frustration in and of its self. The other problem is that I haven't done a very good job of making my daughter play by herself. She is of course the center of my universe and so when I sit down to do something at the computer she immediately wants to be a part of it... and being the type of mommy I am, I get up and do something with her.
Again that is only half of the problem the other half is that ummmm I found reading again... so I have been filling up my free time with reading other people's writing... That means that the few minutes of Melissa time.... have been used to do something that Melissa enjoys... the problem is that I don't compartmentalize very well. I have a hard time saying that I will read for a half of an hour and then work for a half of an hour. I just read through the writing time. I am bad I know.
So anyways.... enough with boring explanations when I have probably lost all of my readers anyways. I survived the cerclage... and so did the baby. I am still pregnant and we still have a healthy heartbeat. It was a pain, literally and figuratively. I HATE spinals. I don't do paralyzed well at all. We were there from 7:30 until 5:00 and most of that was me on my back in a bed waiting for the spinal to wear off. The whole time wishing that I could be home with my daughter. We have started the evil 17-P shots and we go to the doc once a week these days. All is well and we have nothing but confidence at this point that we will have a happy healthy baby.
As to our happy healthy baby at home... She is mile a minute and a laugh in every one. Every day she learns new words and we have to be very careful not to say bad ones around her. She picked up the word "ANNOY" the other day and walked around singing "annoy annoy annoy annoy" Cracked us all up. She has also learned the word "me" and tacks it on to every thing. "down me" , "up me" , " Nursies me" Having so many words at her disposal is VERY helpful because she has learned the word for a lot of things that she frequently needs or wants. That is so nice. She has learned a whine that drives me crazy, but we are working on that and we are adding please to our vocabulary as we have already mastered " thank you" She also now tells mom or dad if she needs a diaper change. That is AWESOME. As I told Dave it is the first step in potty training.... and as long as we always change her as soon as we know she needs it she won't like sitting in a dirty diaper!
She is Growing like a wildflower. I refuse to say a weed because she is definitely wanted. At this point we cannot cram her into 12 months anymore.... and she is starting to move into 24 months with out looking ridiculous. She is out growing her shoes. So a trip to the shoe store will happen with in the next few weeks.
She had everyone laughing so hard we were in tears last week as she stood in front of the full length mirror contorting herself to see her back in the mirror. She has also started to dance and that is just as much fun to watch. She tries to help fill the dishwasher at gramps and grans house which consists of taking everything that was just put in out. It makes for a long chore when she helps.... Which for that matter is just about every chore. Dave and I have been trying to involve her in the cleaning up of her toys and books, but once again it consists of her following us around the living room tearing apart everything we just did. She always gives us a very dirty look as she tears the house back apart. She has this scowl that just rocks you back in your seat with a laugh. She has taken to jumping on the couch and standing up in chairs and just giving mom a general heart attack.... But before she stands she always looks to see if I am watching. She knows that she doesn't REALLY want to fall.
Our little princess is growing so fast it boggles the mind. Every day is something new.... and every day she seems just that much bigger. Life is good with her in it!!!

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