Thursday, March 12, 2009

Daylights Savings SCREW YOU!

Jeez it has been a bit I guess... but in my defense the other mom blogs that I follow are just as lax in updates as I am. Is that an excuse, not really, although it may be a bit of validation. It is difficult sometimes to steal a minute... and Daylights savings did a number on this household. It is still extremely questionable how our bedtime routine is going to work out. Sunday night we had screaming for an hour, followed by a fairly peaceful slumber. Monday night we had an easy down at about a half an hour after "Normal" time and then she woke up at three o'clock in the morning and was up for a half an hour screeching followed by another hour or so playing next to me in bed. As long as I didn't try to make her lay down I was safe. Tuesday night I gave up trying to get her to bed and let her get up to play after I had been at it for an hour and a half... She was then up until 12:30 and slept until after 10. Last night she must have been exhausted from the nights before because she asked to go night night at 9:15 and was soundly asleep by 9:30. ( I know, but I wasn't going to ask questions I snatched that up with a smile!) She did however wake up this morning before 8. But as this is the schedule that we had before the stupid time change I wasn't complaining too loudly. My only fear is that last night was too good to be true and there is some evil plan in the works for tonight.
It truly puts me out when she is so unwilling to go to bed at night. You see as a full-time mom my whole day revolves around my child and I am willing to go with that. After all I have made this choice and we have made a lot of sacrifices so that I can live this way. But as this is my "job" I get little help from Dave. I have given up on asking for it... and I have come to realize that when he does help we are usually at odds about that help. For some of those things I can afford to be laid back... some things I cannot. When he hands the child a baby carrot and turns back to his computer I have to intercede. When he puts diapers on so that they nearly fall off and leak I have to intercede. Perhaps it is done on purpose so that I will quit asking for help. Whether or not that is the case, that has been the outcome. Now before you go thinking that is a conspiracy theory on my part, let me just say that I actually read that diaper bit on a blog written by a daddy the other day as a suggestion to daddies who wanted to get out of diaper duty. I was shocked appalled and dismayed to put it lightly. I would never have dreamed that the loose leaky diapers might be ON PURPOSE. Blame it on my naivete I suppose. At any rate, that time after my daughter goes to bed and before I do has come to mean the world to me. Especially since nap time usually is nap time for mommy too. This pregnancy wipes me out and I cannot be the mommy that my daughter needs me to be in the afternoon if I don't take a snooze with her. So when A stubbornly refuses to go to sleep at night and infringes on my time I get cranky. Before too much longer it will go back to mommy not having ANY time again and I want to enjoy what I can while I can. Combine that with lack of sleep on the part of many parties in the household and um... well lets just say we have been testy around here.
Please don't think that it has all been crankiness and sleepless nights around here. Quite the contrary our days are still filled with laughs and love, they just have to share space with crankiness this week. I guess it isn't all daylights savings either.... A is teething. Bringing in four at a time again. Teething always disrupts our schedule so you add that and the full moon this week.... any body think of anything else that I can blame it on... oh yeah and I seem to have stomach flu that won't let me go so you do the math on all that and it becomes a bit of a mess here.
Still in and amongst all of these troubling issues in the house.... Ash learns a new word every single day... sometimes several and uses them. She now adds "see ya later" to her bye bye and she says "bouncy bouncy" while she bounces on the couch. She also will freely call anybody a stinker. She is a stinker of the highest degree. She will tell you if she needs her butt changed and will lay herself down for it. She will also tell you if she wants to go Night night if I am not moving in that direction fast enough. She has been saying drink forever but now has added a few things to that, now she will tell you if she wants water or juice. And if I tell her the glass is empty she will point to the kitchen and say " More"
She also now will pull out clothes ( clean, dirty, it doesn't matter to her) and dress herself. She doesn't care if she already has clothes on and she is not terribly concerned with whether they are on correctly. She walked around all day yesterday with a Pajama top around her waist like a skirt. The day before she had a dress on over her outfit she couldn't get her arms in so it hung around her neck and shoulders (inside out) like a preppy wears an oxford sweater. I am not allowed to correct the clothing issue. And really who wants to. It is really cute and we aren't going anywhere. Today for a good half of the day she wore one sock over the footie of her sleeper nightie. Add all that to the fact that she will wear any loose shoe she finds around the house and you have quite a little card. I will say that for all of that cuteness I have yet to get a good picture of it and I apologize profusely for that failing. I have no excuse...
She also has become quite the computer expert. We got a computer program for her for Valentines that plays with her and shows colors and numbers and other concepts. It rewards her everytime that she touches the key board or clicks the mouse. It took a bit for her to warm up to it but now that she has we are constantly being nagged about her playing with Bear Bear ( the program has a bear to help narrate and navigate) As it was only downloaded to my computer ( daddy is no dummy) I am the one who has to make way for the kiddo to share my computer. On tuesday she played Bear bear the entire time that I was gone for my doctors appointment and a trip to the grocery store after. Dave swears that every time he tried to take her away from it she had a tantrum...
Which brings us to a new and constantly interesting development. She has tantrums. As of yet they are not the kicking and screaming variety but they are something to see none the less. Still Mommy is not a whining or tantrum fan so we are real big on ignoring and not giving in to said tantrums. She has a beaut of a temper though... and it will be something to watch that progress with time. I won't lie to you the challenge of fostering that budding independence while still nurturing and ensuring that constant knowledge of mommy's love is tougher everyday. She gets frustrated easily and while I want to be sure that I make everything okay for her... but I know that part of being a good mommy is to let her figure it out for herself. The funny thing is that three or four months ago she had a lot more patience. When she was a little younger she would sit with a puzzle of some sort for as long as it took to figure it out. Now after a minute or two she will look at me and scream with frustration. She has also taken on this fake cry that is enough to make you laugh outloud at her. Which is what most of us tend to do... and for the record that does not amuse her highness. Nor for that matter does waiting for anything that she has asked for. When she wants, she wants it NOW!
Speaking of now... I have been stealing the time to write and my time is up... someone wants me to read a story and I think I had better get going... or I will be sorry. I don't have time to post photos with this one... but I will be sure to post double with the next. I Promise... yeah yeah yeah you have all heard it all before... but I am doing the best that I can!!!! Really though there is a nuclear explosion that I need to avert! If I haven't blogged in two weeks someone please send a team in to look for me.

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