Sunday, March 1, 2009

I guess that it has been about a week again since the last time I blogged for y'all. I would like to say that it is because I am busy with huge life altering issues that keeps me from writing... but the truth is that I am busy with Facebook and Mafia Wars, either that of reading. I have just finished the second book in a fantasy trilogy that is rocking my world. I am loving it!!! So much so that last night as I was finishing it I was saying things out loud like " I knew that Lemuel was Tris's Grandfather I just knew it... that is why he is so powerful." and Gasping " Oh NO!" with dismay as I was finishing up. At first Dave was concerned.... then he thought it was hilarious. It is taking me longer to devour books now that A keeps me busy, so that 600 page book took nearly four days.... but it was worth every second. It does however cut into the free time that I used to use for my blog. I apologize profusely... but as soon as I get the third book in that series I can guarantee that I will abandon you again.
Not to mention... there really isn't anything exciting with my pregnancy lately. I go see the Doc every week and I get the evil shot. The cerclage is holding and all is well. Having gone through it all with A's pregnancy it seems a little old hat and I am not sure that you really need a day to day blow by blow account of it all. Our newest little girl likes to party when I want to sleep and kicks her sister back when she elbows her. ( I am going to have to break the climb all over mommy's tummy habit soon I am afraid.) But baby and mom are fine. We have passed the point in Aidan's pregnancy where I went into the hospital. And in a few short days we will pass the point where he was born. The week after that we will pass the point when I went into the hospital with Aislynn and then a week after that the week that she was born... and 3 days after that we will hit VIABILITY. So we are chugging right along.
I am HUGE this time. If your first full term pregnancy has you feeling like a whale at the end... your second ( and I am sure subsequent ) pregnancy(ies) makes you feel like a whale at 5 months pregnant. The kiddo is laying Transverse which means that her head is at one hip and her feet and butt at the other... In other words she is lying sideways inside of me. Doc and midwife chuckled and said that is uncomfortable for mom because it hurts the hips. I have been complaining about my hips for weeks and they have just been saying that the second one is harder on those joints. But now there is a definitive reason why my hips feel like some one is pushing down with one hand on each hip... there is someone doing that. She is 9 ounces and that is bigger than any of the others at this point in pregnancy. Go ahead and say it " its only 9 ounces pushing on those hips for crying out loud!" I know I know.... sigh. I will stop complaining about it now I promise! But for the record MY HIPS HURT!!!! Her heartbeat stays in the 150s to 160s. Which is an extremely presentable heartbeat for a kiddo her age. As to names we have a good one... but we are still thinking it through. We will let you know closer to time.
A is a mile a minute. Her cousin R came over for the weekend... and they had a ton of fun. She LOVES her cousin. She has been talking endlessly about her since she left. I know this because in the babble of incoherent words ( Which I am certain have meaning) you can catch R's name pretty frequently. A's bum is better. Mom has been extremely vigilant about changing... and it has paid off. The best part is that now if I tell her that I am going to change her butt... she will say butt... and then say Lie down... and then she will do so. Easy as pie... of course every now and then she gets a mind to run off and i have to chase her down. All I can say is it is a good thing that my legs are longer because she moves faster than I do now. Combine her new speed with my slowing down with pregnancy and there is a problem. She also has started walking over to Gramps and Grans and out to the car by herself, rather than my carrying her. That is wonderful because she is considerably bigger than my weight restriction and we have just been making do. I still carry her when it is dark or there is snow or ice on the ground. She loves the freedom of walking by herself... and gets pissed at me when I stop her from wondering away from the plotted course... but that is what mommies are for! Speaking of that Independence ummmm she is taking it to a new level. She also is taking frustration to a new level when things don't work out quite right. She is a little firecracker right now. Keeps everyone on their toes. She also has a mind of her own... what gave her the idea that that was okay I don't know. So the day moves forward with little explosions that break up the monotony every now and then. Who would have though that it could get more fun.
She also has made up her mind that she wants what we are eating ALWAYS. So Dave and I are having to dairy free our diet. It feels cruel to say no no no you can't have this. It is probably for the best. She has taken to walking around in other peoples shoes. She is always wearing daddy's or mommy's shoes around. Though we have to be careful with Daddy's boots... they are REALLY big and they are a little dangerous because of how big they are. But she loves it. She also plays like she is going bye bye all the time now. She will pull on a discarded sweater of mine or a tee-shirt of dads sling a "purse" over her shoulder and wave bye bye. She gets to the door but then doesn't really know what to do from there. So she comes back and goes bye bye again. If she is really lucky she can complete her ensemble with my sunglasses and looks tres chic.
I am still nursing her. I was told that I needed to wean by now... but it means a lot to both A and myself. There is no visible problems caused by it so we nurse at nap and nite nite time. She seems to get comfort from it. And I can't steal that comfort from her. Some day I am sure I will have to limit it, but for right now she is still young. I have to go though as my daughter is wanting time mommy and this is not time with mommy. So duty calls. I will of course keep you updated as we go.

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