Thursday, August 13, 2009

Today was another busy day... but I went to my six week postpartum appointment today. That means that the T monster is six weeks old... and we are at that point where I don't fully remember life without her. Pre-Taryn is a hazy mix that I know happened but seems less real that post-Taryn life. It is odd how that happens. I remember it with Ash where I woke up one day and I couldn't really frame life with out her any more. Perhaps it is simply the full acceptance of the change taking place. I am so in love with both of my daughters that I don't really want to imagine life with out them. Although I will be frank I can think back to those times when I had neither children OR husband and think fondly on them. Ohhh the freedom. It is an adjustment that I have been willing to make, but doggone I would love a paycheck to come and me to be able to look at it with the relish I used to 10 years ago.
We are taking the children to the zoo on Sat. I am looking forward to it soo much... hopefully mother nature will work with us. We still only have a single stroller so I will carry T in the carrier and Dave will push Ash... and we will trade off every now and then. I am so looking forward to Ashlynn seeing an elephant in real life. She loves them so much. Hopefully she is not afraid of them... my niece Ariah FREAKED out the first time we brought her to a petting zoo and the real zoo did not fair much better. She is NOT an animal person... but then sometimes you have to grow into things. Dave and I are both big time animal people and we hope that love will pass on to our children. We shall see... and if nothing else I should be able to get some good pics that you will all enjoy looking at.
We have planned a few weeks of trips like this to help mommy to get out of the house. I have been struggling with some emotional flip-flops that are starting to look like they could end up with a post-partum depression slide if I don't do something about it. So we are taking the bull by the horn and we are getting me out more and spending more family time.... I met up with a dear friend the other day who has a two and a one year old and we are going out for a girls night out. The things that we can do to help me are being done. I am not looking to go on pills, so getting the body moving is the answer. Cutting the sugar out is also there in our list. Regular meals that are filled with healthy choices are really helpful to keep the blood sugar from sliding down and out.... which can have a serious emotional toll. I will keep up the outside trips with the girls and add a walk a day hopefully. And when all is said and done I will have taken control of my life again and I imagine that will be remarkably helpful in taking charge of my emotions.
For right now though I am enjoying a seriously rare moment where both of my girls are sleeping and I am not comatose. We are going to get a wading pool this week and I am really looking forward to playing in the water with Ash. So lets hope the good weather holds up. I got some pretty cool pics of her in the yard playing bubbles with her daddy yesterday. The kid is remarkably photogenic. And I have found that taking pictures of her is one of my favorite things to do. I have told Dave that camera stuff is a great option for birthday and Christmas... though I don't really want to talk too loudly about birthdays... mine is in two weeks and I feel like I might be getting old. I remember a time when thirty seemed like it was ancient and here I am somewhat past that and looking forward to another year. My mom told me the other day that I wasn't old because she wasn't old.... however my brother e-mailed me from over seas and started it out with "Hey Old woman!" My family is obviously torn when it comes to deciding what old is.... I guess it has to do with your perception. That is okay... because said brother is going to be 30 on his next birthday, and I will help him to remember how old 30 is. I can't wait... that means he will be home and safe.
Alright so onward and upward. I am about to sprinkle some sunlight on this post by posting pictures throughout... enjoy! And imagine that I hear the sound of little feet running out of the bedroom.... better hurry.

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