Tuesday, January 8, 2008

QUESTION: How do you make a cooing baby scream

ANSWER: get her immunizations.
We had her two month check up on Monday. Along with that particular check up is four immunizations. I have been dreading this day for the last two months. Knowing that I was barely able to deal with it when she had heal pricks for bili-rubin, I was not looking forward to this appointment. My husband had promised that he would go with me so that I would not be alone for this appointment. He ditched me at the last minute, leaving me to be the bad guy that held my little one down while the big mean nurse with the shot had her evil way with her.
It might not have been so bad were it not for the fact that Ashlynn was in such a good mood. Cooing, smiling, and talking away at me with not a thought that there would be anything but a good time coming. That smile turned to misery so quickly it tore my heart out. It didn't help that the nurse who was administering the injections was incredibly slow and moved as if she were under water. I figure that if you have four injections that you should get them done as quickly as possible for the sake of all that are involved. Apparently if you are not the one that is holding the child down and fighting tears back because your little one is hurting, a plodding pace is the best one to take.
The big issue really was that, Ashlynn had never really faced pain. Nor had I as a parent ever had to be party to causing that pain yet. I realize that in the long and the short of it all, the little bit of pain that she felt from the injections that she received is nothing. She will manage to cause more pain to herself in the many wipe outs that are to come throughout the course of childhood. I myself managed, at 8, to rip my leg open down to the muscle and survive being stitched up. As I look back at the incident the part that I remember the most is that it was only the second day of summer break from school and I was on the injured list for the entire summer. I couldn't swim all summer. It sucked. The pain of the initial cut and the shots to numb it and the subsequent healing are a distant memory. The first pain she's ever really felt and there I was holding her down. I should have been boxing that nurse's ears. My child trusts me, I have earned that trust by actively working for the last two months to ensure that even her hunger pangs are distant and cared for immediately.
We survived Monday. We know that Ashlynn is 12 lbs 13 ounces. We know that she is 23 inches long. We know that if mommy has to, she can man up and step to the plate (better than daddy can.) We know that promises of help from my husband are better fiction than what is on the New York Times Best Sellers List right now. We know that Ashlynn has a forgiving nature( or maybe she just forgot already.) As to Ashlynn's mommy's forgiving nature..... peace talks are on going. Mommy's really mad!

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