Sunday, January 13, 2008

sing sing sing with a swing

We broke out the swing for the first time today! Wow weeeeee! She loved it. Makes me wish that we had taken that sucker out weeks ago.

I had a hunch that she might like the swing. She is a rocker and a roller to be sure. Now if she weren't I would be wondering if she really had any Ryall in her, because as we all know a Ryall can be spotted by the continuous rocking motion. We have been know to make sailors sea sick. My own father wore out two rocking horses in his day. So the swing was pretty much a given to go over big, and it did. I was able to eat each of my meals today in peace. No continual jumping up to pop a nuk back in, no switch hitting with Dave for eating a meal, no need even to gulp it all down with a speed that rivals the olympic 50 yd dash. I was able to enjoy a relaxing meal with my husband while my angel rocked back and forth calmly taking in all the sights. She didn't even have a nuk in her mouth. Heaven!!!!!

I fear that we may over use the swing in a constant search for that peace. It has been so elusive for the last eleven weeks. Hell lets be honest it has really been elusive since the start of my third trimester of pregnancy. I didn't make it through a meal with out getting up to the bathroom at least once. So here we have a tool that allowed quiet for more than 5 minutes, more than 15 minutes. We were edging up to an hour when she finally seemed to need something more than sitting and watching the world go on.

Not that it will take the place of her rocking. No she will rock for the rest of her infanthood and well into adulthood I would wager.... although I would bet that at a certain point she will not have to be in someone's arms to be rocked. As I post she sits in her daddies lap as he rocks her, she looks quite content. With arms that love her that much around her she may stay there for ever. There are worse places to spend a life.

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